Chapter 3

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On the following day

'Beep, Beep'

Jesse's alarm goes off on her phone making her go over the covers, as her dad speed into the room. "Jesse..." Immortal said as he turns off the alarm. "Go away, I want to sleep some more." Jesse said to him making Immortal laugh a little. "Don't let me get the cold water." Immortal said to her making Jesse jump out of bed. "Well, would you look at the time." Jesse said as she runs to her bathroom. Sometime later, Jesse exits her room ready to go to school. "I made you breakfast, Jess." Immortal said to Jesse who kisses his cheek. "Thanks." Jesse said to him and she sees two pieces of avocado toast with egg and chilli flakes. When Jesse was done eating, she kisses her dad's cheek and she runs to the door. "Goodbye, Jesse and don't get involved in other people's business." Immortal said to her as Jesse opens the door. "Will do, bye dad." Jesse said and she leaves the house.

Jesse was walking to Mark's house to walk to school with him and she is hoping he was okay. Jesse arrives at Grayson's household and she rang the doorbell. Jesse waits for a few minutes until the door opens and Jesse sees that Mark looked annoyed. "Hey." Jesse said to him as Mark closes the door. "What's wrong?" Jesse asks him knowing what is wrong with him. "What do you mean?" Mark asks her as the two starts walking to school. "Don't try to hide it, Mark." Jesse said to him looking into Mark's eyes. "Something pissed you off." Jesse said to him. "I got into a little argument with my dad." Mark said to her as he avoided Jesse's eyes. "A little?" Jesse asks him. "Yeah, but I'll be fine." Mark said to her. "Fine..." Jesse said to him as she hugs Mark's arm. "Just if you wanna talk about it, I'm right here." Jesse said to him with a smile. "I know, you will be there." Mark said to her as the two continued walking with Jesse hugging Mark's arm.

At School

"Jeez, man. You still sore from Todd's thrashing?" William said with concern in his voice. "What's up?" William asks his friend. "Huh? No, I'm fine." Mark said to him in a sulking tone. "Okay, man. You sure look fine." William said to him. "Hey, Mark Grayson." Todd said making Mark groans as Todd walks over to him. "And I don't see Jesse anywhere nearby to protect your sorry ass." Todd said to Mark. "Todd, please. Just don't-" Mark said making Todd cut him off by slamming Mark against the lockers. "Don't what? Don't kick your ass again? What? Are you threatening me? Or do you need a replay of what happened last time, ass?" Todd asks him as Jesse runs over to them. "Hit me. Go on. Hit me as hard as you can." Mark said to him. "Mark..." Jesse calls him making Mark look at her. "Don't worry." Mark said to her then Todd punched Mark in the stomach making everyone gasp but Mark doesn't feel a thing. "Again." Mark said to Todd who hits him across the jaw but Mark seemed unfazed. "Again. Harder." Mark said to him making Todd hit in right in the chest but Mark didn't even flinch. The crowd gasps as they watch the scene in front of them while Todd looks around nervously. "Freak!" Todd yelled at Mark and he ran off. "Dude, what is up with you?" William asks Mark. "I need something to punch." Mark said to him. "He just walked away, Mark. You missed your chance." Willaim said to him while Jesse looks at Mark.

After a few moments, the students start walking walk away while Jesse walks over to Mark and she grabs his hand. Without saying anything Jesse dragged Mark to a different hall, Mark was very confused as he followed Jesse. "How the hell did you do that?" Jesse asks him as she lets go of Mark. "Do what?" Mark asks her. "Don't play dumb with me, Mark." Jesse said to him making Mark sigh as he came up with an excuse for Jesse. "I've been sparing with my dad." Mark said to her. "Hmm, I don't buy it." Jesse said to her knowing what he and his dad was doing. "How is sparing with your dad gonna make you invincible?" Jesse asks him. "I don't even know how I did that!" Mark yelled at her making Jesse cross her arms. "I'm not gonna make you tell me now, but when I find out whatever you're hiding from me, I swear-" Jesse said making Mark cut her off. "I am not hiding anything from you." Mark said to her getting upset and making Jesse hug him. "It's okay, Mark." Jesse said to him making Mark put his arms around her hugging her back. While remaining in each other's arms, the two begin to draw apart and the two gaze at each other. Mark smiles at her making Jesse look away from him turning red as Mark leans down and he kisses Jesse's cheek. "You are the best, Jess." Mark said to her making Jesse look at Mark with a smile. "What are you two doing?" William asks the two who look at him. "Nothing, let's go to class." Jesse said to them making Mark walk away from the two. Jesse and William follow Mark to class while Jesse watches Mark wishing she can help him in some way.

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