Chapter 13

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Next Day, At school

Jesse was talking with Eve about the mission she was going on with Mark. "Good thing, you two are not dating regular people because that will be a pain in the ass." Eve said to her making Jesse look at her. "You okay?" Jesse asks her. "I'm fine, I've just get my own crap to deal with right now." Eve said to her. "Is it about Rex?" Jesse asks him. "It's not just Rex. It's everything. It's my parents, and school, and college, and I don't know if being a superhero is what I want to do right now." Eve said to her as she looks away from Jesse. "But what else would you do?" Jesse asks her. "I don't know. That's the problem." Eve said to her making Jesse place her hand on Eve's shoulder. "If you need anything or want to talk about it, I'm here. After I get back from Mars, I mean. You remember what I said to you?" Jesse asks her making Eve nod. "You will always be by my side no matter what." Eve said to her making Jesse smile at her. "To infinity and beyond." Jesse said to her making Eve laugh a little. "I can't believe you said that." Eve said to her as the two walk to their next class together.

After school, Jesse was on the rooftop of the school wearing her hero suit and she was looking her at phone watching the news, where the Mars mission is being broadcast. Then Jesse gets an reminder for a day out with her dad making her turn off her phone. She knows her dad will be okay but his healing powers were taking too long. "You ready?" Jesse hears Mark making her turn to him. "Yep, and I bet it will be easy this time." Jesse said to him as Mark hands her a helmet and oxygen tank. "Why do you say that?" Mark asks her as he and Jesse put on the helmet and oxygen tank. "One, we have an oxygen tank and two, I can race you to Mars." Jesse said to him then she jumps into the air and flies away. "Oh, boy." Mark said to himself as he follows her. The two flies along with the Mars shuttle that goes out into space.

In space, Jesse and Mark land on the shuttle as it flies away from earth. "Cool." Mark said as he takes a picture of the earth with his phone. 

"Okay, first thing, stay out of sight unless something goes wrong. This is supposed to be a win for human spaceflight."

The two teens hear Cecil over their earpiece. "We will be like a ghosts in the night." Jesse said to Cecil. 

"Second, the main reason you're on this mission is the Martians..."

Cecil said to them while Mark holds onto Jesse's arm as she was jumping away. "What, there are Martians?" Mark said to him very surprise. 

"Where'd you think Martian Man came from, Jupiter?"

Cecil said to him while Jesse knees down on the rocket. "He would be named something like Jupiters." Jesse said to them making Mark smile at her. "Uh, I...never thought about it." Mark said to Cecil.

"We don't know much about 'em, but we know they live underground and keep to themselves. You shouldn't have any trouble. Just keep an eye out."

Cecil said to the two as Mark looks at Jesse. "Martians." Mark said to her. "I know." Jesse said to him. "Way to bury the lede, Cecil." Mark said to him.

"Actually the lede is "Make sure our astronauts get home safe. Humanity's counting on you kids."

Cecil said to them as the rocket lands on a space station that will take them to Mars.

Later Jesse and Mark were sitting on the rocket were they can see Mars far away. Jesse leans into Mark who put his arm around her. "You feeling okay?" Mark asks her making Jesse look at him. "What do you mean?" Jesse asks him. "You were looking at your phone then you close it." Mark said to her making Jesse look up at the stars. "Today, was going to be a day out with my dad but..." Jesse said to him making Mark stop her. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I know I don't understand what you are going though but I am here for you." Mark said to her making Jesse smile at him. "Thank you, Mark." Jesse said to him with a smile. "You want something to eat?" Mark asks her as he pulls out a bag. "Huh..." Jesse said as Mark opens the bag. "What?" Mark said to her making Jesse break the sandwich showing that it was completely hardened. "Pack a lunch, my ass." Mark said to himself making Jesse laugh a little. "I can't with you sometimes." Jesse said to him with a smile making Mark looks at Jesse with a smile.

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