49 | The Torn Veil

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⚠️ Trigger warning: this chapter portrays an autistic meltdown in graphic detail, including thoughts of self-harm. If that's not for you, I highly encourage skipping this chapter.

So, how did the Spell fail? The trouble, I have come to realize, is that men's hearts are not pure.


Beck read to Carmen all night

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Beck read to Carmen all night.

She listened to the words, translated on-the-spot into Kriesges. Carmen didn't have a lick of focus to take notes like Shads, but she wished she did. The information blurred in her mind. Amenity loves. One of her angels rebelled. There are seven virtues, and seven lacks. She leads the virtues. He led the lacks, who remained even after his death.

Hope, Love, Truth, Courage, Peace, Knowledge, and Faith. Naturally, Carmen compared these virtues to Kryteya. Hope – when did she have hope? She was destined for hellfire if she left or rebelled, and soul-sleep even if she was a good servant. Love – did Raiya love the Felali? Obviously not...

She had to physically force herself not to keep running down the list. But the Book of Seran – said to be written by ancient angels in direct contact with Amenity – had presented a challenge.

Love is absolute, and God is absolute, meaning he must be love. Without absolute love, a mortal is better than the highest power.

Carmen rose from her chair; Beck had fallen asleep over the book, her white hair disheveled. Carmen rubbed bleary eyes, too tired to think, but at the same time unable to stop.

Kryteya still held courage – it took great bravery to commit yourself to another person for the rest of your life, putting yourself solely in their hands. Her faith also had knowledge – stark awareness of one's failures. But most of all, it held truth and faith that God was wise enough to make his own decisions.

But what good were those virtues with mindless repetition? Was there any hope, any love, in Carmen's service? Or did she simply do it out of obligation, for selfish reasons – to avoid eternal damnation?

No...no... She sat in a neighboring room, reciting her prayers. Prayers in a language of empty words – prayers for forgiveness, prayers for strength. How could these be wrong?

Doing good is its own worship. Mother Seran asks not for songs, or offerings.

Repetition was familiar. Repetition had a rhythm, a pattern – something Carmen's mind naturally embraced. She sang and chanted louder, letting the words flow to her heart.

When she was finished, the Book of Seran left her head. Beck rubbed her eyes as she entered Carmen's room. "That was some of the loudest chanting I've ever heard."

Carmen blushed. "Sorry. Where's Tara?"

Beck shrugged. "Don't know. I'm going to get our other battalions out here, and see if Shads is back. Wanna go get her?"

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