Friend's Stick Together

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Ollie was a good goat it turned out. He was evil but just wanted to be appricated. But then he soon later found out that doing evil doesn't give you anything but pain. Ollie still remembers the time where puss gave him a smile after defeat. A smile of reasurance. Ollie has gained everyone else trust except Puss. Everytime Ollie looks at his direction he sees Puss with his paw on his sword giving Ollie the Daggers of his eyes. Ollie could tell that he still didn't trust him. Everytime he tried talking to Puss its either the Silent cold shoulder treatment. Or just him saying he doesn't like him talking to him. Either way it's still upsetting how he looked up to Puss but he doesn't trust him. Ollie ran to Dulcinea

Dulcinea: Hey Ollie! What can I do for you? I just got finished reading a story to the children..

Dulcineas smile was a beautiful one. Now he can see why Puss fell in love with her. He has heard tails about his adventures from her but the others she keeps to herself because of privacy reasons.

Ollie: Dulcinea...I've come to ask you... how do I gain Puss's trust again. Everytime he gives me the daggers..and he always has his paw on his sword waiting till attack if I had any smart ideas.

Dulcinea gave Ollie a happy smile. She put her paw on his shoulder.

Dukcunea: I know it seems impossible to gain his trust back. I know that he was still upset because he thought I was dead...but you have to understand it takes time a person like him to gain trust. But I will help you since I know Puss better.

Ollie smiled and jumped with joy. Dulcinea grabbed her book and left the building with Ollie following. She then sees Puss about to leave the fountain until she yelled his name.

Pussinboots: Hola Dulcinea!! And...and Ollie...

Ollie gave a nervous smile and waved. Puss rolled his eyes in disgust as he is still very mad at how Ollie betrayed his trust yet again.

Dulcinea: well Puss I heard that you haven't been hanging out with Ollie lately. And I think maybe you could probably get to know him a little better.

Puss gave a confused face. Then an angry face his eyes went to Ollie out of hatred. Ollie smiled and giggled nervously.

Dulcinea Grabbed Puss's paw and started walking to a different spot for pivarate speaking.

Pussinboots: Dulcinea! I can't believe you want me to do that! He has crossed my line I will never trust that devilish german goat!!

Dulcinea: Now Puss that isn't quite nice. Ollie has changed and he wants to gain your trust just please give him a chance.

Dulcinea was about to touch his arm just then he slapped her hand away. She was shocked and hurt.

Pussinboots: If you want to hang out with that goat then that's om you. But I'm not going to do it. And to think you would want to be in his evil plot!!!

Puss left and tighten his hat. Dulcinea's ears went down. That wasn't the Puss she knew and loved. He must of been still strucked or hurt that Ollie betrayed the town twice.

Ollie saw Dulcinea about to cru at the fact Puss called her evil. The whole town went to comfort her so did Ollie. Pajuna looked shocked and worried this time The town wasn't angry at Puss. More concerned at his actions. He's never been like that even when hard times were.

Puss Slammed his door and laid down on the bed looking at the ceiling. His mind was like smashed Potatos. Everything was so crushed that you can't tell what's happening. Puss admit that he went too far on Dulcinea. She was only trying to help she didnt know she was making things worse. Puss face turned to sadness. He sat up and looked out the window to see Ollie comforting Dulcinea. Puss was second guessing himself. But he still didn't trust him fully. He groaned and laid back down to see the ceiling. Just then knocks were heard at the door. He made a frustrated look and buried his face in a pillow. Then the door was opened. There stood 3 black cats. The Gild Of Darkness.

Phillip: Heya Puss

Puss recongnises that voice. He sat up to see his black cat friends. The Shakespeare talking one closed the door and locked it. Puss laid his head down again. They all looked each other with concern the blue hat one sat on the bed and gave Puss a smile. They all did. Puss turned the opposite way.
Now they were really concerned. They haven't seem him this upset ever since he got kicked from San Lorenzo. Phillip went over to his other side. He tried cheering him up with a goofy face. Puss didn't react.

After a couple hours they stood in the doorway talking to Pajuna and eachother. Puss just wanted to scream and throw his sword. But he knew that could kill someone. So Puss just fell asleep and tried to think the next day will be better.

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