Heros day off

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Pajuna was pouring milk in everyone's glass. She looked over and noticed that Puss was on the window sill studying all the treasures. He was flipping the pages. Pajuna had no words. That Laddy needs a break being a hero sometimes.
The next day was about the same except Pajuna woke up at 1am to see Puss fighting off bandits. Just as Pajuna was about to yell Puss got grabbed by the tail and thrown at the cups in the cantina. They all shattered.

Pussinboots: So Sorry Pajuna!! I'll try to get new ones!!

Puss got back in action. Puss eventually defeated the bandits. They fled out of San Lorenzo. Puss shielded hid sword. Pajuna walked and stared at the broken dishes. Puss rubbed the back of his neck in awarkness puss stared at Pajuna.

Pajuna: Puss...

Puss flinched at her change of tone.

Pajuna: Puss don't think you need a break at this? Your starting to...you know...be a little careless of your surroundings..

Puss nodded in silence. Then he put his paw on his sword and sighed. He can't just do that...he needs to protect the town. Or the damage would be worse.
Then the doors opened and revealed the orphans and Dulcinea.

Kid Pickles: The cow is right cat. You've been doing this thing for like what..months without a break.

Toby: I have to agree with kid Pickles. Yesterday you would clumsy on the rooftop.


Puss dodged the theif's hit. He junked on top of the orphanage building. He had his sword out. Just then he slipped and fell off the building into apples.
Puss grabbed the cart to pull himself out of the apples. He got down and then tumbled. He twisted his foot.

Vina: Did you know that you also have broken Esme's teddy?

Puss had his eyes wide. That's why Zeppatta and Esme didn't talk to hime for a while.
Dulcinea walked towards Puss and put her paw on his.
She gave a peace smile. Just then Dulcinea grabbed his paw and rushed out the Cantina. After Puss's resistance Dulcinea threw him on the horse. Dulcinea then made the horse go.

Pussinboots: For the last time Dulcinea I don't need a break!! Now let go of my waist!

Dulcinea refused to let go. Dulcinea was pretty strong ever since the good sword. And after everyone remembered Puss she gotten stronger.

Dulcinea: Listen to me Puss!!

Dulcinea pushed Puss on the grass of a forest.

Dulcinea: You've served us and San Lorenzo. Now it'd our turn..

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