The Spring

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*Tris's POV*


That's all I could feel as I slowly clung to consciousness. A cold numbness throughout my body, like gentle pins and needles flowing through my veins. My head is foggy, and my ears seem clogged, I can hear my heartbeat quicken though it sounds muffled, as if I was underwater.

I cough slightly as I feel my lungs struggle to suck air into them. Slowly, I move to open my eyes. Eventually finding the strength to part my eyelids, only to be met with darkness. I realize that I am laying face down on a cold metal floor. Dragging my hand around the cold surface, trying to determine where I could be from the texture while my eyes adjust to the lack of light.

The metal is rough and full of gaps only big enough for my fingers to slip through. The holes seem to be in a pattern, shaped like stretched hexagons along the length of the floor.

My muffled heartbeat in my ears has gradually become more clear. The buzz in my head remains, making it hard to think clearly or even focus. As I begin to lift my head, moving my arms to bring myself up to sit on my knees, I hear the shifting of metal above me. My eyes dart up, and I can vaguely make out a distant red light. As my eyes adjust, it clicks, 'I'm in a cage' I think to myself. My eyes dart around this metal box, looking for a way out. I notice crates, boxes, and bags scattered around the metal tomb.

I reach out to clutch the wall, pulling myself to my feet. The buzz in my head has dulled, it's faint but still there. Just before I find solid footing, there's a loud clanking noise, and the cage jolts upwards. Causing me to fall back to my hands and knees. The sudden motion causing my to let out a gasp as I catch myself before face planting into the hard metal. The cage shook and rumbled as it climbed the outer walls, bringing the red light from before closer.

My breath has quickened, not as strained as it was. I stood up again, hugging my back to the wall of the cage as it ascended, making my way to the corner. My mind racing trying to understand what was happening. 'Ok,' I think to myself 'just breath. I'm in a cage, it's moving upwards, gaining speed with every passing second. I don't know how I got here, I don't remember-' my eyes widen at the thought, my breaths becoming uneven. 'I-i don't remember, I don't remember anything.. Why can't I remember?!' Another unexpected jolt of the cage caused me to stumble slightly, I huffed. 'No, it doesn't matter right now, I need to find a way out of this box.' I shake my head trying to focus on the task at hand. When I look back up the red light is much closer, the speed of the box is increasing more. That's when I see it, the ceiling. I'm plummeting upwards towards a solid metal ceiling, at this rate, I'll be crushed. Scanning the box for anything I can use to stop or slow this thing, I realize there's nothing here to do that with. I notice a large metal crate, about 4 feet long and 3 feet high I could only assume, on the other side of the large cage. I quickly move to the crate and try to pry in open but it's no use. I look up and see that I could only be about 80 feet from my doom. I quickly lay down, my back pressed firmly against the side of the box, hoping that it could slightly shield me from the roof that is about to cave in, and clamp my eyes shut.

A loud alarm sound echoed through the air, breaking through the sounds of my ragged breath, and the metal box scraping against it's surroundings like thunder. There was a sudden screeching sound, like the grinding of brakes as the cage came to a rough and fairly abrupt halt. My eyes remained shut, my breathing rampant, and shallow while my arms were brought up to wrap around my head for protection from any falling debris. There was a squeaking noise of rusted metal, I rush of cold air smashed against me, sending shivers along my body. Even with my eyes shut tight I could see the light from behind my eyelids.

With a shuddering breath I slowly opened my eyes, not moving my arms as they were shielding my eyes from the blinding light of the sun. 'what the hell' I thought, my breathing heavy but more stable. I try to listen for any sign of danger but I'm greeted by silence. I move my head to look up to what was once the ceiling, now an open space to bright to see anything clearly. My eyes began to adjust as I realized the roof of the cage was made up of doors. I looked around the box as I rose to my feet again, it was now fully illuminated by the sun. I climbed on top of the metal box I was previously leaning against, reaching up to push the cage doors open, and I stopped and hesitated as I reached the doors. 'Wait... There's no way someone didn't hear that alarm... Why is it so quiet..?' I questioned to myself.

I very slowly lifted the door up bringing my eyes above the threshold of the exit, I looked around the area carefully, searching for any signs of movement. My eyes scanned the surrounding forest area, a slightly dense fog resting in the air, enveloping the trees like a silky smooth blanket. The outside was thick with trees and greenery, grass covering every inch on the forrest floor, moss and ivy climbing up the base of most of the trees. The sight was both breathtakingly beautiful and overwhelmingly ominous. I searched and searched for anything irregular.

Nothing. No one.

I was alone.

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading this far!! Please let me know what you think in the comments, I'd love to hear any ideas or thoughts you may have!

I have yet to decide what "Tris" ;) will look like so if you have any suggestions or requests please let me know! Have a wonderful morning, noon, day, or night, wherever you are in this world! Remember to eat and hydrate! See you soon loves!

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