The Pain

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*Tris's POV*

It's been 2 years since I met Newt.

I learned where his room is, too. I've never been inside it, I was just showed where it was in case of an emergency.

It's been 2 weeks since I last saw my brother.

Wicked has been training me relentlessly recently and I've been utterly exhausted. I almost never have the energy to climb into bed after my shower. But tonight was gonna be different.

17 days ago, while I was being examined by a doctor, I caught a glimpse of her tablet's screen. I couldn't understand anything useful in aiding an escape, but, I did get to see the date.

Tomorrow is our birthday!

We're turning 10 years old.

Despite being tierd, I was excited, it was enough for me to get up and surprise my brother. I wanted to be the first to wish him a happy birthday at midnight tonight before Newt found out.

I made my great escape, as seamless as it always is. I have gotten faster and more coordinated since the rat faced man started my combat training. I still didn't see why it was necessary though.

I made it to his door and quietly slipped inside, but then I was confused and momentarily panicked.

He wasn't here.

I then took a deep breath, a technique I had learned during training to remain calm and focus on my target. I used it often to focus on a lot of different things.

'Think Bells, don't freak out just yet. Where could he have gone?' I thought to myself, then sighed at the realization.

'He's probably at Newt's. I haven't been back in a while, and he has no reason to believe I'd be back tonight so he wouldn't feel the need to stay.' I concluded.

I huffed and exited the room. I quietly made my way down the hall to Newt's door. While outside I could hear multiple voices, not just my brothers and Newt's.

I smiled to myself. I was glad he was making new friends, I loved that he got to be happy. I didn't feel jealous or angry, but simply happy for him. He deserves to be happy.

I knocked lightly on the door, I heard multiple shushes and I had to stifle a giggle. Then I heard my brother.

"It's fine guy's, I'll deal with her." He huffed. I could hear incoherent mumbles of what sounded like confusion. I laughed inwardly to myself at his remark. He knew it was me by how I knocked.

"You gonna unlock it?" He said sarcastically from the other side of the door. I unlocked the door and he opened it, pulling me inside before closing it. I was surprised because he didn't lock it back up again, I reached to fix that but he swiftly but gently grabbed my wrist. I looked at him confused.

"What do you want, Bells?" He said, sounding kinda annoyed. I looked around the room and was surprised to find 5 other boys in the room. My brother sensed my uneasiness and scoffed.
"They aren't gonna get you Bells." he said somewhat mockingly. I was confused, he never acted like this.

I shrugged it off and looked at my brother, I gave him a small smile. I felt like he didn't want me there and it did hurt a little, but I was intruding on them so I did understand. Besides I was probably making the new boys uncomfortable.

"I just wanted to tell you Happy Birthday." I said, my voice more weak then I meant for it to come out as. He released my wrist and crossed his arms.

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