The Mission

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*Tris's POV*

I left the maze facility, the scorch sun burning my skin. I managed to get a dirt bike off of Janson to make my travels easier. I also stole a helmet from them, too.

I traveled through the scorch quickly. With nothing in sight to focus on, I was dragged back into my thoughts about the first time I entered this wasteland.


I was escorted to a truck outside the facility on the morning of my birthday. Janson opened the rear passenger side door for me. I climbed into the back seat, watching him intently. I was sat next to one guard, another was our driver.

Janson closed my door and climbed into the passenger seat.

I turned my head and stared at the concrete fortress I was raised in. I miss my brother already, I wish I could just stay with him, and never have to leave his side.

My brother is all I have. He is the only thing that matters in this world, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect him.

As if he could read my mind, Janson began to speak as the truck moved. "You'll see him again one day. Do everything right on your assignment and he'll remain safe and happy."

The smugness in his voice was annoying, but I simply nodded without saying anything.

"I'll do whatever it takes." I said while I stared at the sand dunes outside the window. My voice was brimming with an emptiness, devoid of emotion.

I could hear Janson's smirk in his voice, "Oh, I know you will Subject X."

Hours passed by, it was just after mid-day I assumed, when we arrived in a torn down city. Our truck slowly made it's way through the crumbling streets.

People, most seemed to be in the first stages of infection, were glaring at us as we passed them. Their clothes were faded, tattered, and full of holes. Their skin was burnt and covered in dirt.

I looked at these people and felt sympathy, I knew that what they were going through was hard, and unfair. Wicked had me playing a part to find a cure for the flare, but it would take time. I was a part of what would help these people return to the world they once knew, and that made me glad. I wouldn't be able to stand by and watch all these people suffer without doing something to change it.

I think I have a hero complex or something. I've never really been able to let things slide, even when they don't concern me.

In this case, I knew my brother was immune, Paige told me that much. But she told me that im not immune, despite my twin being one, and that was apparently very puzzling to her.

But that means I could get infected out here if I'm not careful.

Eventually our truck came to a halt. I scanned the building and the sorrounding area of the vehicle, a habit I involuntarily picked up from training.

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