The Boy

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*Tris's POV*

I stood, slightly in shock from what I just heard. The whole previous 5 minutes replaying in my head. When I finally realized what had happened, I couldn't stop the short burst of laughter from escaping my chest. I slapped my hand over my mouth and tried to compose myself, earning a laugh from Sonya.

I took a deep breath, "In my defense," I say, barely composed and trying to look at Sonya's face as she's giggling, "someone screamed for me like they were being mauled by a Night Crawler."

Sonya chuckled and shook her head. "I know, I was awake enough to hear everyone bolt out of the room." She paused a moment, finally able to breath after all that laughing. "Then I heard Haily scream- and honestly I was opening my eyes to tell you to go after her, I wasn't entirely sure you would without me telling you to go." She smiled wide. I moved to speak but she continued.

"I'm glad you ran to help. I would've been pissed if you had stayed." She says, lightly punching my shoulder. I knew why she thaught I might choose not to help, but honestly, I swore to protect all of the other dryads, including Haily.

I let out an amused sigh. "Yeah well, I figured as much." I smile for a moment before my smile fades into a cold, emotionless expression, when I turn to the door of the brig. I stare through the wooden bars at the boy who'd just arrived, debating on wether I would talk to him or leave him here. I let out a huff.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you earlier." I said, my whole body now facing the door. "If you are in any pain I can get you something for it." My voice was somewhat monotone but you could tell I meant what I said.

"No.. I'm ok." His voice was quiet, he was scared. Good, so he's smart, that'll make this whole thing go smoother. I moved to face Sonya, about to ask her to do something when he spoke.

"U-uhm." He started, "I don't know what's going on." He says, obviously confused. I nod at this, acknowledging his words. I turn to Sonya, "Hey you should head to the canteen, get yourself something to eat, and send Ximena or Harriet over here with food and water."

Sonya smiled and nodded. "Okay, see you in a bit." She said, turning around, and leaving for the canteen. After a moment, I break the silence, still looking towards the direction Sonya left in.

"We came up the same way you did." I hear him shift slightly, then continue. "We didn't know what was happening, where we were, why we were sent here. Just our names." I stifle a laugh, "Well, usually we remember our names after a few days." I turn to face the brig doors and stare through the bars at the boy.

"We don't know everything, and yes we're trapped here.. for now." I take in a slow deep breath, and release it after a few seconds. "Look, I can tell you're not a bad person. I don't trust you, but I don't hate you, and I think you're smart enough to know better then to do anything stupid." I say the last part teasingly, raising an eyebrow.

Just then, Harriet showed up with food and water, Haily and Beth trailing not far behind her. "Hey, here you go." She said, as she handed the items to me. "Thanks," I say as I accept the plate and bottle. "Brought guests?" I say mockingly, quiet enough Haily and Beth couldn't hear as they approached. Harriet rolled her eyes playfully before they moved to stand with her, disapproving looks on their faces.

"Here, take this." I say reaching my hand through the bars, holding out a bottle of water. He hesitates a moment before reaching out and taking it slowly. I pull my hand back out and move it to the lock on the door, then a sudden, raised voice stops me.

"What are you doing?!" Haily starred at me, the most fake look of fear I've ever seen on her face.
"He's dangerous, you can't seriously be planning on letting him out!" Her voice was scratchy, high-pitched, and annoying. It was getting on my nerves. I was planning on giving him this food while he was in there, but now..

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