The Mist

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*Tris's POV*

I've been in this place for six days. I had already unloaded the supplies from the cage I arrived in on the first day. I am completely alone, with no memories, no idea how I got here, or why any of this was happening. I noticed while unpacking that the supplies I arrived with had letters on them, maybe a lable or stamp from the people who made them.

" W.C.K.D. "

Whoever made these supplies, they must have sent me here, too. I don't know what they're reasons are or what they want, the didn't exactly leave a note or instructions. But they left food, tools for a variety of things, building materials, ropes, and blankets. I may not know the main goal of the people who sent me here but one thing's clear.

They want me to survive. They want me alone, confused, and isolated, but they want me to live. They've giving me all the tools I need, now it's up to me to go on, to live, to thrive. It gets quite cold here at night and it's still rather cool during the day. I think it's probably late winter or early spring, or maybe I'm just in a place that's always wet and cold all year around.

When I climbed out of the box I decided I didn't care what the people who sent me here wanted. It didn't matter if I didn't have any memories or even a name. I wanted to survive for myself, I didn't want to give up, I couldn't find it in myself to. I calmed myself down so I could think rationally, and after a quick survey of the nearby area I decided it was safe enough, and began to search the supplies I had been given.

Not long after I completely unloaded the cage I came up in, I heard a familiar squeaking of rusty metal. When I turned to face the steal death trap I just stepped out of, a duffle bag with who-knows-what inside, I stand there and watch the cage slowly descend into the abyss, the metal ceiling from before folding down and sealing the ground shut.

"Well then-" I sigh, realizing that's the first time I spoke aloud since waking up, ".. alright, time to get to work I guess" I mumble to myself while turning about to continue going through the supplies, 'I'll save the migraine inducing questions for another time, right now I just need to survive somehow.' I think to myself reassuringly.


Even after six days I still can't remember anything, not even my name. Even with the cloudy feeling in my head gone, now I just feel kinda empty, like a blank slate. I don't let that stop me though. I won't let these things I can't control brake me, I won't let them make me weak, in fact I'm using it to challenge myself, as a way to make me stronger. I refuse to cry, I refuse to let this crazy situation make me incapable, I won't give those bastards who sent me here have the satisfaction of braking me. I don't know much about my self, or anything at all really, but I do know this:

I am a spiteful girl.

I decided since I've got pretty set up camp a few meters away from the cage, that tomorrow I'll explore it area a little bit more. I want to know what's out there, to be sure that there's nothing that could be a potential threat. I spend most of my time between working and sleep, just thinking of the possibilities for the thing that have happened and what could happen.

Why was I sent here alone? 'No idea'

Will the cage ever come back up? 'Probably, why bother building it and sending me here in it if they didn't intend on using it again? They could have just let me wake up in the middle of nowhere with those supplies around me, rather than send me here with them.'

When will the cage come up again? 'I don't know, it could be a long time, maybe not until I've completed whatever task they want from me'

What happens if the send other people here the same way? 'Well I guess first I'd try to calm them down, the ride up here is pretty intense, then see if they could remember anything from before.'

What if they don't remember anything, like you? 'Then were in this together, I can't say I'd trust them enough to be comfortable with them being around me, and I'm sure their questions will be annoying, but I won't abandon them. We stand a better chance at surviving by working together.'

What if it comes up with supplies but never anyone else? 'Then I survive.'

Will I get lonely? 'Probably not, I don't know what it's like to not feel alone so how could I miss a feeling I've never had. That's what it is to be lonely right? To miss the feeling of someone else with you and to long for the familiarity of another person. How can I feel lonely, when being alone is all I can remember, it's not really a big deal, after all, I'm still surviving quite well on my own.'

What about my family?

I huffed when that question made it's way into my mind, not from sadness or longing. I just was somewhat bored of asking myself those kinds of questions.

'It doesn't matter, for all I know they put me here, or their dead, or I left them. Hell, I could have put myself in this bloody forest for all I know. What's the point on wasting time on trivial thoughts like that? In the end, it won't help me survive, the thought of my family isn't going to keep me alive. I am, I'll keep going, I won't stop because I don't want to. Simple as that.'


I woke up early in the morning, possibly around 6am, I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep. It was cold again, think mist blanketed the trees, gently eclipsing to tops of them, erasing the sky from view.

I packed a bag with enough supplies for 2 days, I wanted to be prepared just in case I got lost. I grabbed a machete that came up with the other tools. I pulled it out of it's holster, checking it's sharpness. I realized the holster is meant to be worn across your torso. Sliding the machete back into it's place, I brought it over my shoulder, tightening it into place. I set off in a random direction, walking as straight as I could through the forest.

I wandered anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes, then I turned to circle my camp. It had been possibly 3 hours of careful searching and thoughtful exploring, I noticed small silver-ish creatures, I could never get close to them. Once they realized I noticed them, they would run away. If I knew the area well enough, I'm sure I could chase after them and catch one, but I didn't want to risk getting turned around. I didn't find any signs of any dangerous wildlife in the area, not that it was that easy to see, still that doesn't mean it's safe, but just that there wasn't anything around at that perticular moment.

When I made it back to my camp, the most had only lifted slightly but it was enough, and I was surprised.

The cage was back.

Hello loves! I hope that this story has been enjoyable so far. This chapter was meant to help everyone have a better understanding of our dear "Tris". I hope that I've been able to 'paint' a good enough picture of the forest for you guys. I read that the actual Maze for Group B was a snowy forest and they called themselves called "Icers" and their 'Glade' was "The Spring", but I didn't want to be completely like the original story. So a cold, foggy, forest is what I settled for. Similar to the forest in forks (the forest from the 'Twilight' series) but with a little more fog. :)

I hope that you all have a wonderful morning, noon, day, or night, wherever you are in this world. Take care of yourselves, take care of one another, and stay frosty my fellow Icers! ;)

See you soon!

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