The Change

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*Tris's POV*

I'm running towards a scream I just heard. My heart's pounding as I round each corner of the maze. Sonya and I split up, we would run through these few halls of the maze and meet back in the middle. It's a short, 3 minute task. 'We've only been separated for less then 2 minutes,' I think to myself, 'please don't be what I think it is.'

I round a corner to catch a glimpse of a night crawler rounding the far corner, opposite of me. Then I see her, Sonya is laying flat on her back against the maze floor, her hands pressing on her lower abdomen. She's sobbing quietly, her eyes clamped shut as I rush over to her.

I kneel down beside her and start to assess her injury. "Hey, hey, it's ok I'm here" I say, my voice hushed slightly, as she is startled by the sudden contact of me grabbing her hands. Her eyes open and she looks at me with pleading eyes, "Tris.." her voice was breaking as the spoke. "Get out of h-here ok.." her words cut deep into my heart as I stared at the wound she had gotten.

She was stung.

I looked Sonya in the eyes with as much determination as I could.

"I won't leave you." I said, not a drop of doubt in my voice.

"You have to." Her voice was a whisper now. I simply smiled.

"Never." I said, sliding my arms under her legs and then one behind her back and picking her up bridal style with relative ease. Sonya wasn't really heavy to begin with, that helps a lot. I start to jog down the halls of the maze, I looked down at Sonya's watch to check how much time we had left. Honestly I'm proud of Sonya, by now anyone else would have lost themselves to the burning rage we feel when we're stung. She's so strong, she'll make it, I won't let her give up.

"Almost there." I huffed rounding one of the last few corners.

"Please leave me," she whispers in my ear, her head buried in my neck as I run, "I.. I don't want to hurt anyone." Her voice cracks a lot with her last few words. I can feel something wet slide down my neck, I know she's crying.

"I won't let you hurt anyone Sonya," I said sternly, but also reassuringly. "and I won't let you give up either." We round the last corner and make our way towards the Spring, everyone is standing at the doors waiting for us, cheering. I feel her grip on me tighten. "You're not alone Sonya, I won't leave your side." I say with a huff as we're a few feet away from the entrance. She nods, her face still buried in my neck.

As I cross into the Spring I don't stop moving or slow down, I'm heading for the Med-hut.

"Someone tell the healers to get a room ready, she's been stung." I say, a sense of authority and urgency flowing through my voice. "And no. Don't ask, Sonya comes first, questions later." I state, cutting some people off from speaking, surly about to ask what happened. People started lagging behind, giving up on getting answers for now, I hear the boom of the doors as they started to close.

My body aches all over, I had been carrying Sonya for about 2 hours at this point. My arms were screaming at me to set her down or let someone else help. I decided against it, she could lose herself at any moment for any reason, I won't risk someone getting hurt just cause my arms are tierd.

We make it into the Med-hut and I'm directed over to a cot that was slightly pulled away from the walls, I knew why. I gently set Sonya down on the cot, softly grabbing her wrists as I move to be directly above the cot. I gently hold her hands above her head so the healers can clean her wound and dress it.

The moment they touch the alcohol soaked pad to her skin, she screams. My grip instantly tightens, holding her arms in place as she tries to thrash around. Ximena and Harriet were here, they must have been apart of the group that trailed into the Med-hut behind us.

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