The Girl

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*Tris's POV*

It's been over a year since the incident with Alyssa.

I've spent a total of 23 nights in the maze since I arrived. I've gone through the changing 8 times now.

During the days when I'm not running the maze or helping with any other work that needs to be finished around the spring, I go to the area when Alyssa is buried. There I stretch, I work out, and I train. Some days I bring a spear with me, others a machete, or even knives to throw.

I don't quite understand how I know what I'm doing, probably because I learned before the maze. I stretch, then workout, then train. From dawn to dusk and I usually only eat dinner. When I first started doing this for hours at a time, I could barely make it back to camp by nightfall.

Over the months, I've gotten used to it. Now I get a good sweat by the end of it, I couldn't say I'm exhausted, or even fatigued. My stamina has increased, I'm physically stronger, more so in my legs then my arms. Now I can carry large amounts of weight with ease.

I don't want anyone to ever have to go through what Alyssa did.

Alyssa only got stung because I was to weak to get her back here in time. If I was as strong as I am right now, back then, she'd be standing here, next to me. I failed to protect her. I failed to keep her safe.

I'm the reason she's dead.

Long before she attacked Harriet, the moment I failed to get her through those doors, I killed her.

I will never allow myself to fail any of the other dryads, ever again. I will keep them safe. I will keep them alive. I will get them out of this place.

No matter what.


I made my way to the canteen, to eat before going to sleep. As I make my way over, I notice a bonfire just outside of it.
'Oh finch.' I think to myself, realizing that today was the day the new fledgling arrived. I let out a heavy sigh as I scan the scattered crowds of people, looking for the face of my friend.

I make my way over to a certain medium-short, dark brown, curly haired girl.

"Ximena," I called gently as I approached the group, a slight smirk tugging at my lips. "you started all the fun without me? I'm almost hurt." I say in a playful manner as my friend turns around to face me, a wide grin spread across her face.

"Almost," she replied cordially, a hint of teasing in her voice. The smile on her face didn't fade as she winked at me. "and this-" She then turned to someone, gesturing them to step out infront of the rest of the group. "Is our newest addition to our spring!" She stated confidently, her arm wrapped around the shoulder of this new person.

I continued to smile while I studied this girl up and down, trying to determine if I should trust her. "Oh c'mon now, don't be like that-" Ximena's voice drew my attention away from the girl infront of me. I quirked an eyebrow at her, she knew me all to well, "she's not going to bite, you've done this for over 3 years and you still can't trust someone when they first come up in the box?" she scoffed mockingly. I knew she was only joking, but she wasn't wrong, I find it very hard to trust people.

My attention shifted back to the girl. I lifted my hard out to her in a greeting manner. "Sorry about that," I said calmly, a soft, warm smile on my face, "do you remember your name yet?" I ask as she slowly reaches to shake my extended hand.

"Uh.. No, sorry-" she said, sounding somewhat confused and timid as she took my hand.

"No worries, you can call me Tris." I responded as we shake hands. She tenses up, quickly letting go of my hand, and sheepishly averting her gaze as to not look me in the eyes anymore.

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