The Other

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*Tris's POV*

Today the cage will come again, it's been a month since I arrived. I did manage to remember my name after an accident the led to me falling face first into to ground. My name it long, and kinda a mouth full so I just feel like it would be awkward if there really was another person here, so I'm actually somewhat thankful to be alone.

I have built a small shelter, a small roofed area that covers my hammock, since I figured it would rain sooner or later, it rains every few days actually. I have a small garden growing, I've been working on it slowly, found a creek nearby for their irrigation, too. I tripped on a faucet sticking out of the ground 8 days after I arrived, I get my drinking and cooking water from there. Tripping over that damn thing is what caused me to remember my name, it's a little embarrassing so hopefully I'll never have to explain how it happened.

I've also found out that this place is surrounded by very tall concrete walls, and the strange, faint thud-like sound I'd hear at night was the walls closing. I've climbed one of the trees all the way to the top to see if I could get on top of them, but with no luck, the walls are way to high. I don't want to go through the doors and leave this place yet, I'm not completely comfortable with the idea of going out there when the doors could end up closing on me. I've recently heard bone chilling shrieks come from behind the walls at night, whatever those things are, they're nocturnal, only ever make noise at night. I'm still not exactly keen on going out there and meeting one eventually, the shrieks they make are so loud and carry so far, whatever they are, they're big. I've nicknamed them 'Night Crawlers' though it's mostly for my own amusement.

Right now I'm taking inventory of what I have trying to decide what I need, and where I'm going to put the new supplies that are about to come up, they've been showing up every week. I've managed to clear out a few of the smaller trees, giving the area some space for storage, and using the wood from them for fires and to build the roof that shields my bed from the rain. I stuffed moss into the cracks in the wood to seal the leaks, so far it's worked pretty well.

I hear the familiar rumbling of the cage approaching, but then something unexpected happens.

There's a loud alarm sound, it's the same sound I heard when I came up in the cage. I make my way over to the cage slowly, picking up a spear I had made out of boredom a few weeks prior. The rumblings comes to a stop and the familiar slight creaking sound of the ceiling opening fills the air, the moment it stops, I hear something else.

Quiet sobbing.

I slowly peer into the cage through the fenced doors, I see a figure huddles in the corner in the fetal position, head tucked into their knees, arms wrapped around themselves, clinging on for dear life. I let our an almost inaudible, shaky breath, I lower the spear and set it on the ground. I reach forward and open the cage doors slowly. The person let's out a sudden gasp, almost a whimper, when I drop down into the cage with them.

Their head springs up and they try to move further in to the corner, away from me. I raise my hand slowly in a calming motion, try it ng not to scare.. her.

"Shhh.." I whisper, "Hey-" I speak in a voice so calm and genital that I wasn't sure it was really me who was speaking, "- it's ok, it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you..." I paused to let her process what I was saying before continuing.

"You're safe alrigh'? I know you're scared, I went through this, too." I state, as the girl just stares at me, tears falling from her face and her breaths heavy and shaking.

"How about this, do you know your name?" I ask.
Her eyes widen and she shakes her head slightly, visually becoming more distressed.

"Hey that's ok, that's ok, when I first woke up I couldn't remember my name either." I say, matter of factly.

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