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I had been cleaning our room and unpacking all our bags and had everything set up perfectly.

It was in the middle of the night as Ari very quietly slides in bed behind me grabbing me and moving me as close as possible to his body. "If didn't know any better I would think you're cheating on me G." I say in a sleepy voice. "Coming home so late and sneaking into bed."

He chuckles. "I would be a very stupid husband if I would to do that."

"And why is that huh?" I move my ass against him.

He kisses my neck and his hands trail over my hip. "Because you can kill me within 3 seconds leaving no evidence."

I laugh. "That's correct. So how did it go with Kabede?"

"It's worse than I thought in those places. We will have a meeting about it in the morning, let's get some sleep now."

I felt him already drift off to sleep feeling his breathing had changed against my neck. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep either feeling really comfortable in Ari's arms.


I wake up alone and let me tell you I didn't like that. I can't remember when the last time was I slept this good, I didn't even know I could sleep this good.

I get up and walked towards something that was supposed to be a bathroom and shower or something. It didn't even had a door just a curtain.

As I walk inside I see a naked Ari. Damn he looks so incredibly fantastic. The man is just perfect. I'm grateful he didn't catch me starting as I after a couple of seconds turn and walk out.

After about 5 minutes Ari comes out with a sly grin on his face and I knew I was busted. "You know it's only fair if I get to look at you too."

I blush as I'm sitting on the floor pretending to being busy going through my makeup bag. "You're looking at me now don't you." I say bravely.

He walks over kneeling in front of me as my eyes wander to the floor. He lifts my chin up with his hand to look at him. His eyes are intense but sweet. "Now don't get all smart on me Princess." I gulp, my breath hitches and my heart is beating so loud I'm sure you can hear it in the next room. "It's only fair if I see you naked too." Okay I just died I'm dead, I really want him to see me naked and touch me. "But don't worry I'll wait for you to let me and won't just sneak in and out."

"It.. I.... It was an accident I didn't know you were in there I thought you left me here alone." My stomach feels a flutter, I'm so nervous and I'm getting really turned on right now.

"No worries babe I'll let you know the next time I get naked." He pecks my lips stands up and walks towards the door. "You have 10 minutes meet us at the beach where the boat is I'll have breakfast ready for you." With that said he walks out.

I can finally breath. I don't understand how can this man be so intimidating but also so sexy and caring at once.

I get myself cleaned up and ready. I get into the boat and eat my breakfast as we are rowing out to water. When we are out far enough so nobody on shore can hear us Ari explains what he had seen yesterday.

It's devastating to hear and our discussion begins.

"Friday's holy to Muslims, so we'll have less military on the street. We need a dark night, darkest Friday of the month." Ari says as he takes off his jacket.

"When is that?" Max asks.

"In two weeks." Rachel chips in.

"Two weeks. Two weeks it is then. Kabede's going to get two trucks, something inconspicuous that we can park out front of the hotel." Ari says in boss mode.

"We should do a dry run. Familiarize ourselves with the terrain." Sammy says.

Ari totally ignores him. "Jake, we gotta make sure the Navy's on time."

I'm looking at Sam then At Ari. I'm confused because I think Sam is right, I keep my mouth shut cause I know Sam can fight his own battle.

"What if they can't be?" Jake asks.

"Tell them they don't have a choice." Ari tells Jake.

"I said, we should do a dry run." Sammy says irritated.

Again he is being ignored. "Max, you and Rachel go with Kabede to get the trucks."

"Wow." I say out in shock, not able to keep quiet.

"Guess we're not doing a dry run." Sammy says laughing.

Ari finally acknowledges Sam and looks at him intensely. "They're dying, Sammy. They're sick, and they're starving. And we're not gonna sit here and enjoy Aziz's fucking cooking, and working on our sun tan while they're out there suffering, not if we can do something about it."

It's akwardly quiet in the boat. I look at Sammy who is clearly pissed off. "Aren't we taking more risk going out there unknown?" I say as I turn to look at Ari.

I can't see his eyes because of his sunglasses but I can see his jaw tensing. "I know the road that's enough."

We look at each other and nobody speaks as we go back to shore. Ari only looking to his side never looking anywhere else.

In this moment I know I screwed up, I know somehow I'm going to pay for this and to be completely honest a part of me is exited about it.

Assignment Name Is Ari Levinson Where stories live. Discover now