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Two weeks pass and almost everything is ready for tonight, the night of our first Mission. Outside of things we needed to do for the mission we made sure the resort was fully working for us and the staff and the rest is basically just chilling around. It's been a great opportunity to get to know Max, Rachel and Jake better. I have been avoiding Sammy as much as possible or barely communicating with him, things between him and Ari weren't getting better and I really didn't want to get in the middle of that again.

Ari and I have been talking a lot, getting to know each other and most nights just watching the sunset from the beach. Being around each other was easy and for the staff our fake marriage didn't look fake at all, some even called us soulmates. We had been taking things slowly so all we have been doing is kissing and cuddling.

I walk outside the resort and see Ari is busy working on one of the trucks we are using for tonight, I can't help myself and watch him for a little bit. I always do every chance I get, but he always knows when I'm around.

"Hey. Come and give your husband a kiss will you." Ari says with a wink.

"What if I just want to look at you."

"No you don't." He has that perfect smile on his face and I can't help but give in and walk towards him and plant a sweet kiss on his lips.

Before it can get any further we hear static crackles coming from the radio of the second truck Jake is working on. "Hello?" Jake says in the hand mic of the radio.

"Yacht One. Over."

We can barely hear what is being said. "Hello." Jake repeats as he turns the frequency button so we can hear better.

"Yacht One from base. Over."

"That's Buchanan." I say and walk over to Jake while Ari finishes the antenna he was working on.

"I hear you loud and clear, base. Good to hear your voice." Jake says and turns Ari's way. "They're on."

"Good." Ari says while getting off the truck, looking at his watch walking back to the resort. "Leaving here in 12 minutes."

"All right." Jake says.

"Let's do this." I say a little bit exited walking in the resort.

"What did you tell 'em?" Ari asks Rachel.

"That we were scouting diving spots
and that we'd be back in the morning."


The sound of a bus driving towards the resort gets all of our attention, we walk outside and watch surprisingly as it gets closer and closer. "Ari." I say and I grab his hand.

"You expecting someone?" Max asks.

"Roof. Now. Take the spear gun." Ari orders and Max does what he is told.

I see it's a bus full of people and loads of suitcases on the roof. It comes to a stop right Infront of us and the resort. An overly excited man steps out of the bus. "Ah! Not an easy place to find. You need better signage, for sure. Phew! Oh... It's too hot not to open the windows, but when you open, the dust just..." He blabs in a German accent.

"Ich weiß nicht wonach Sie gesucht haben aber ich glaube sie sind hier falsch." (I don't know what you were looking for but I think you're in the wrong place) Rachel speaks with the man.

"Ist das nicht das Red Sea Diving Resort?" (Isn't this The Red Sea Diving Resort?)

"It is, but we are still under construction." Rachel turns to English with a German accent.

Ari walks us closer to the man. "Well, we're still months away from opening."

"We're not even fully functional for ourselves." I add.

"We just drove eight hours from Khartoum because of this. Huh?" The man hands Rachel a flyer. "Yeah. Come, come." He tells the passengers to get out of the bus. "Alles gut. Alles gut." Rachel gives Ari the flyer and we look at it. "Ja?"

The guests walk in the resort and the staff is busy preparing tables and chairs for them. We moved to the kitchen so that we could discuss this privately.

"Well, you have to send them home." Rachel starts.

"We can't do that." I say defensively.

"Oo. Yes, we can. We point them
in the direction of a real hotel." Sammy says with a tone.

"Colonel Madibbo sent them here. The last thing we need is to get complaints about this place." Ari says and I nod in agreement. Ari looks at his watch."Fuck, we're an hour late."

"So what do we do?" I ask looking at Ari who is looking at all the people through the serving window.

"Check 'em in. Give them rooms."

"Check them in?" Sammy asks in disbelief.

"Yeah." Ari awnsers.

"I mean that could work." I say with a shrug

"Are you crazy? This is a fake hotel." I'm afraid if Sammy keeps going they are going to have an argument again.

"So fake it." Ari simply states and Max laughs. "Look, we all knew this could happen at some point, right?"

"We did?" And I roll my eyes at Sam making that comment.

"I didn't." Jake says

"Our fake hotel just became a real one. Get them rooms, get them situated, do it fast. Please, guys." Ari asks.

Ari walks out and I followed him but turn around as I hear non of them following. "Come on guys we have other things to do."

We all work together as fast as we can to get all the guest and their baggage inside the resort and in the rooms.

Ari and Jake are on the luggage, Sammy and Rachel are checking everyone in and Max and I make sure everyone goes to their rooms.

Just before the guys leave I meet Ari outside the resort. "Thanks for the backup." He says.

"It wasn't backup, I actually agree that it was the best decision in the moment."

"Good either way." He says with a smile.

The other guys now get in the trucks. "Be careful okay." I look him in the eyes.

"It will be alright babe." He cups my face and kisses me. "See you later." He gives me another kiss gets in the truck, starts it and drives off.

'Here we go.' I say to myself as I walk back inside on my way to Rachel.

Assignment Name Is Ari Levinson Where stories live. Discover now