Chapter 1: The Trackers

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[A man in a gray jacket stumbles through a backdoor tripping on his way out into a puddle of rainwater. A strike of lightning cracks over the city adding more dread to his almost helpless situation. He then clutched his lower torso trying to stop the bleeding of his fresh stab wound while scooting back as fast as he could, hitting his back against a chain link fence. The man looks up from his wound to see a dark figure emerge from the doorway he burst out of moments before. The wounded man coughed up blood onto his white mask that was laid out on the ground before him in the puddle.

Mysterious Attacker: "Any last words?"

White Mask Terrorist: "Tell my wi-"

The Mysterious Attacker shot him with one clean round right through his left eye with a Maxim 9.

Mysterious Attacker: "On second thought I don't really care."

The Mysterious Attacker then walked off disappearing into the night.

Harry: "Where did you say this footage came from Grace?"

Dokkaebi: "This was last night in Denver, Colorado."

Harry sat puzzled in thought for a moment. Then leaned forward and into his intercom.

Harry: "Would Kapkan, Jackal, Ela, and Ash please come to my office."

Both Dokkaebi and Harry waited in silence before the others started piling in. After Kapkan stepped in last and shut the door behind him. Harry stood up and spoke moving to a bulletin board on the side of his office he was using to narrow down this operative candidate.

Harry: "Would each of you grab one of those folders on my desk?"

The five operatives began passing around the manila folders. Each of them opened them to be greeted with a dossier of Psycho. Ash was the first to speak up.

Ash: "Wait he declined the first offer, why do you think he would accept another?"

The other operators verbally agreed with Ash. Harry turned from his board.

Harry: "You see the missing piece of the puzzle on why I think he will agree is that when the White Masks appeared back in strength so did he."

Ash interrupted him.

Ash: So, the White Masks were the key."

Harry: "Precisely."

Kapkan looked up from the folder he was given.

Kapkan: "So, do we have any leads or are we supposed to search every country hoping for a miracle."

Harry smiled lightly.

Harry: "Thanks to Ms. Nam over here we have not only narrowed down the country, but also the city as well."

The operators seemed to be glad to hear that.

Harry: "I have booked you five First-Class flights to Denver."

Kapkan: (Mumbled)"Еще американцы..." (Yeshche amerikantsy...)

Harry: "Flight leaves tomorrow at 0830. Everyone get some rest you're going to need it. Dismissed"

The operators piled out of the room except for Ela who stayed looking at the dossier.

Ela: "Why does Psycho sound familiar?"

Harry: "I cannot share classified information, but maybe a past operation, a friend, or maybe he was talked about by someone who you were listening to."

Ela: "Być może."

After that Ela left the room and Harry looked back at his board. All of his work trying to pinpoint a location and here he finally was.

(Sovereign here I finally got the first actual chapter done. The next chapter will be about what Ela was referring to and then we will get into Psycho himself on the third chapter. Again I hope you have a good day, evening, etc.)

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