Chapter 6: Stress Testing

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'Psycho' POV:

I wake up from someone knocking at my door.

Twitch: "Come on, you have your strength test in half an hour."

Testing day can't exactly say I was looking forward to this with getting out of bed coming in at a close second. I get up and start getting changed starting with my shirt when I hear the door open and I spin around to look at who is intruding. Only to find both Emma and Ela trying to look around the door. Both of them flustered when I look them in the eyes while they were trying to spy on me.

Ela: "I was just going to say you have a test and to ask if you wanted to go to breakfast?"

Emma remained silent and slowly shut the door not before taking one last peak through the crack of the door.

Psycho: (Quietly) "I really need to get a better lock for my door."

After being intruded on it took me about 5 minutes to get dressed. My outfit consisting of a black t-shirt, a pair of basketball shorts, and some basic running shoes. I open the door and leave to get to the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom brushing my teeth, noticing a scar on the bottom of my chin.

Psycho: "Damn, the White Masks must have got me."

I leave the bathroom to see both Ela and Emma on their phones on the couch. I clear my throat to get their attention. Both of them get up and walk to the main door with me following. After arriving at the canteen we grabbed our breakfast and sat in mostly silence until I heard the door behind me open. I heard footsteps walk over to us and stop very close behind me.

Zofia: "Kto to jest?"

I know that voice all the way back from Operation: Stronghold. I start laughing thinking back to the events that unfolded that day.

Ela: "What are you laughing about (Y/N)?"

I turned around and Zofia immediately froze and I could sense her fear no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

Zofia: "Who The Fuck Let You On This Team!?"

Zofia pulled out her RG-15 cocking it back and pointing it at my chest.

Zofia: "I Will Not Be On The Same Team With This Monster! And I Certainly Won't Have My Sister On The Same Team As This Maniac!"

I grab the end of her pistol and press it against my forehead.

Psycho: "If you're going to kill someone, always go for the head."

I gave her the same smile as the day we saved Sergeant Clarke. She grimaced and I could tell she wanted to pull the trigger. Instead she put the pistol down and tried to punch me in the face which I caught.

Psycho: "Calm down, Zofia. If I wanted someone dead they would already be."

I let go of Zofia's hand and walked past her out of the cafeteria doors.

3rd Person POV:

Ela: "What the hell, Zo?"

Zofia: "You have not seen what he can do. In Mali he almost ripped the head of the terrorist leader off with his hands."

Ela looked down and started to think about who Psycho truly was. A truly insane killing machine or someone who she could trust and rely on.

Twitch: "Are you sure he wasn't just trying to scare you."

Zofia: "He could have been, but the look he had in his eyes when he killed him. It was that of a child who had just got the toy they wanted."

Twitch: "I still think he was just trying to scare you."

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