Chapter 7: Accidents In The Dark [NSFW]

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I walk up to room 54 which is where Timur told me to go. I approach the door and knock, hearing faint music coming from inside. I knock quite loudly and Emma rubs her neck.

Ela: "Are you sure this is the right room?"

Psycho: "If it's not, Timur and I are going to have a long talk."

The door opens to reveal Timur who was slightly intoxicated.

Glaz: "(Т/И) начала думать, что ты не появишься." ((Y/N) started to think you wouldn't show up.)

Psycho: "Now why would I do that?"

Glaz: "Eh, I should have guessed you would show up you alcoholic. And I see you brought your girlfriends."

Ela and Emma became beet red as they stammered to say anything, but alas could not find any.

Psycho: "They wish."

Both Glaz and I laugh as Ela and Emma's faces become even more red. Ela storms past both of us farther into the party and Emma tries to hide her face under the hood of her hoodie. I let Emma walk in before me. Glaz returns to the table in the corner with who I can only assume are the other Russian operatives as they have 'FSB' written on their patches. I look around the party finding a decent turnout for a military base. In total there are about 15-20 people. Emma walks over and sits at the bar next to Ela and I walk over to the table with Glaz.

Glaz: "Итак, вы решили прийти сюда первым?" (So, you decided to come here first?)

Psycho: "Либо так, либо меня ругают после комментария." (Either that or I get scolded after the comment.)

Glaz: "В любом случае это Александр, Лера, Максим и Шухрат." (In any case, these are Alexsandr, Lera, Maxim and Shuhrat.)

Tachanka: "Мы здесь, чтобы пить, а не заводить новых друзей." (We are here to drink, not to make new friends.)

Psycho: "Давайте начнем тогда, легкий." (Let's start then, lightweight.)

Tachanka laughs and the others look on in concern. Tachanka pulls two bottles of what I can only assume is the world's strongest vodka out of the container next to him. He sets both of the bottles down on the table, one near him and one right in front of me.

Tachanka: "Ну тогда начинай." (Well then, start.)

I look at him confused.

Psycho: "Это соревнование по выпивке или вопрос в том, кто выдержит больше алкоголя?" (Is it a drinking competition or is it a question of who can handle the most alcohol?)

Tachanka: "Я просто подумал, что тебе нужно выпить." (I just thought you needed a drink.)

Kapkan: "Я никогда не видел, чтобы ты отказывался от соревнований, Александр." (I have never seen you refuse to compete, Alexsandr.)

Tachanka: "У этого янки никогда не будет шанса против меня. Я просто проявляю милосердие." (This yankee will never stand a chance against me. I'm just showing mercy.)

In the time that Alexsandr was talking to Maxim I finished the bottle of vodka and slammed the empty bottle on the table. With one stumble back I steady myself and walk over to the bar next to Ela and Emma.

Ela: "Oh, hey (Y/N).)

Psycho: "Alcool..." (Alcohol...)

Twitch: "I can tell you have already had too much (Y/N)."

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