Chapter 12: A "Simple" Mission

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'Gage' POV:

(Right After the Previous Chapter)

Gage: "I'll take my chances."

I grabbed the man's gun, ripping it out of his hands and throwing it to the ground. The redhead goes to shoot me in the back, but I kick her knee to the side causing it to buckle, and her gun falls to the ground with her. As both of the operators begin to collect themselves I run towards the road. Once the two operators picked their guns back up they began firing. Very few of their rounds hit me, but the few that did were all stopped handily by my armor.

Reaching the road I hopped over the guard rail, and reached for my detonator. With one click the ground shook violently as the building was ripped apart in a large explosive blast. The noise as well as the shockwave disoriented the immediate area around the building. The ringing echoed throughout my head at a deafening pitch. Smoke bellowed out of the blasted open walls, busted doors, and shattered windows. With the concealment of the smoke, I ran off in the direction of the tertiary LZ calling for extraction. I pressed onto my earpiece yelling as I ran, "This is Gage, how far is the chopper away from the tertiary?"

Pilot: "This is Sierra 2-5, we are about 8 miles out refueling."

Gage: "Well then get your fuel and get your asses to the tertiary."

Pilot: "Copy That."

I throw myself into a nearby ditch for cover while I wait for the helicopter. Scanning the surroundings I find no presence other than the chirping of a few lone crickets breaking the silence of the empty Alaskan wilderness. After about 6 minutes the UH-60 appeared and began its descent down. I hop onto the side of it still observing the surrounding area before I climb inside and shut the door. The co-pilot turns his head to the rear of the helicopter to ask, "So, did you get left behind... Or...?"

Gage: "I went back to level the building."

The co-pilot nods his head in understanding and looks back forward. Then the pilot added, "That must have been that smoke in the distance. Wasn't one hundred percent sure what that was, but I know it didn't look good."

Gage: "I know."

I take off my gloves and warm my hands from the harsh cold of the winter Alaskan landscape. I feel something warm dripping out my ear in a slow stream. Reaching over I find out my ear is bleeding pretty badly. I pull out some gauze from the chopper medkit and jam it into my ear. Leaning back into my seat I get comfortable and go for a quick rest.

'Ash' POV:

(15 Minutes Before The Beginning of the Last Chapter)

I turn to my team in the back of the helicopter to instruct them, "Everyone knows what we need to do. Vigil, you're with me. Jackal, you take the recruits."

Both teams leads turned and nodded in agreement. Upon our arrival at the LZ, we watch as another helicopter takes off away from us. Jäger bellows out through his headset, "Scheiße, Black Model 234LR Civilian Chinook heading Southeast at 258 km/h! Blue P.M.C. logo reading out S A L V A T O R E."

Ash: "What the hell are they doing out here? This Is Supposed To Be A Classified Operation!"

Jackal grabs my shoulder and speaks softly with his Spanish accent, "Eliza, calm down."

I jerk my shoulder away from his grasp and storm over to the cockpit. Pulling Jäger's right side of his headset away I shout next to him barely getting over the sound of the propellers, "How Far Is The LZ?!"

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