Chapter 11: Operation Red Truth

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'Gage' POV:

(10 Minutes After Previous Chapter)

December 27th, 2020

Anchorage, AK; United States

Operation Code: 065-12-27-2020-Alpha (OPERATION RED TRUTH)

Team Lead(s): _'Gage'_, Orei 'Ion'_, Ryo 'Match'_

OBJECTIVE: Enter the warehouse, search for evidence of White Mask involvement, and retrieve any possible evidence.

Optional OBJs: Retrieve high-ranking combatants and search for any hostages the terrorists may be holding.

Getting out of the SUV I wave the two others off to rendezvous with the rest of their team. I push the button on my earpiece down and speak into it, "Comms check."

Ion: "Crystal."

Match: "We hear you."

Gage: "Okay, on my signal we push in."

Ion: "Got it."

Match: "Copy."

I push up to the main stairway of the building and climb up to the roof. Glancing around I spot two ways to get in: a wooden hatch or a skylight. I choose the wooden hatch and I lockpick it open with a satisfying click after about a minute. I reach over to my earpiece and order into it, "Breach."

With that I hear a distant explosion and the sound of a shotgun echoing throughout the mountainous surroundings. I drop in through the open hatch using the sounds to mask my drop. I sneak up right behind a terrorist dressed in a forest green jumpsuit with a black balaclava. I kick the back of his knee, buckling it instantly and I put a knife against his throat. "Where are the hostages?" I ask him.

Terrorist: "I'm not telling you anything."

I put some more pressure behind the knife drawing a small amount of blood from his neck dripping onto the front of his jumpsuit. I spit out, "I'm the last person you want to test the patience of."

The terrorist seemed to assess the situation and decided to crack. After a few seconds, he spouted out, "The mom and her daughter are on the ground floor in a room labeled 3B."

Gage: "How many of you bastards are in there?"

Terrorist: "I think there are three grunts in that room."

Gage: "Хороший пес." (Good dog.)

I wrap my arm around his neck and choke him until he passes out. I push my earpiece and communicate to the team, "We have two hostages both are in a room labeled 3B. They have a security detail of 3 watching over them."

Ion: "Got it."

Match: "We see the room. Heading there now."

I pick up the unconscious man on my back in a fireman's carry and I open the only door connected to this room. It is a set of stairs that I head down quietly so as to not alert anyone nearby. I reach the bottom and clear the room finding no-one in the garage. I place the body against the large garage door and move to the next door.

I swing the door open and I get a round sent right past my head. I dive around the door and tackle the terrorist to the ground strangling them. Once they pass out I throw them next to the other unconscious terrorist. I enter back into the room and ready myself against the next room. I look at the door and notice the label, 3B. I ready my rifle and press onto my earpiece.

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