Chapter 5: *Flashback* Operation: Stronghold

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*Flashback 10 Years*

Operation: Stronghold

Primary Objective: Recapture Control of Islamist Controlled Hospital

Secondary Objective: Recover Gunnery Sergeant Clarke (D.O.A.)

Location: Tombouctou, Mali

Date: January 29-30, 2012

Allied Leader(s): Commanding Officer Brigadier General Peter Arlmons (U.S.M.C.), Active Combat Combat Lead Lieutenant Colonel Zofia Bosak (JW GROM)

Allied Combatants: United States Marine Corps, Polish Land Forces, JW GROM, and [REDACTED]

Review Leader(s): General Jan Bosak (JW GROM), Lieutenant General Logan Ridge (U.S.M.C.)

Zofia POV:

I was assigned to lead the assault team in this operation. Our plan may be good, but I think it could use some revision. I enter the tent of the commanding officer Arlmons.

Peter: "Lt. Colonel Bosak, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Zofia: "I think your plan could use a little bit of input."

Peter: "Well I think it is a good plan, but I will hear your feedback."

Zofia: "What if instead of one team we split off into smaller teams and hit every angle possible?"

Peter: "I like your idea, but we don't want to risk friendly fire as the building is equipped with an electromagnetic jammer. That jammer would both jam our radios and our sights. That is the reason I assigned everyone to use iron sights for this mission."

Zofia: "So, how about two teams: one that goes through the front and another smaller team that goes through the back?"

Peter: "That actually could work."

Peter sat farther back in his chair.

Peter: "I will proceed with your plan Ms. Bosak. But, I am going to have to brief the others. So you are dismissed."

Zofia: "Yes, sir."

Peter: "Before you go I want to let you know you are being assigned as the lead of the second team when we touch down."

I walk out pleased that my plan worked out and all of our soldiers weren't going to be poured into a deathtrap. This operation may just go well yet. 

*Timeskip 3 Hours*

Radio: "All allied forces converge on the target."

Zofia: "Come on, let's go. Dalej, chodźmy."

Zofia's team readied up and moved alongside her pushing into the destroyed houses surrounding the hospital. The all too familiar sound of machine gun fire rained on us from above. The bullet storm taking out 7 of my 30 soldiers.

Private: "Orders!?"

Zofia: "Do we have any smokes!?"

A marine walks up to us and throws us two smoke grenades.

Zofia: "Who has the best throw here!?"

A different marine taps a Polish soldier on the shoulder and points in our direction. He runs over ducks behind our limited cover.

Zofia: "Czy jesteś dobrym rzutem!?"

Polish Soldier: "Tak!"

I hand him one of the grenades pointing towards the first machine gun nest.

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