Chapter 9: Breakthrough

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'Psycho' POV:

I wake up to Ela shaking my shoulder. She asks, "Do you want to go on a run with me?"

"I have to be back by 10:00, but sure." I say looking at my watch reading 6:01.

Ela grabs me by my arm and pulls me out of bed. "Well get dressed then." she says as she leaves the room.

I stand up grabbing a set of clean clothes and change into them. I exit my room to be dragged out of the room by Ela.

Psycho: "Was that really necessary?"

Ela: "Może." (Maybe.)

Psycho: "So, where do you like to run?"

Ela: "There is a nice forest behind the base that I like."

With that we walk out of the base and run off to the forest. I of course let her win the race, but she doesn't need to know that. She turns back with a smirk and asks, "How does losing feel?"

I respond with, "I can't complain, it has a nice view."

She giggles while I catch back up to her and pass her. I spin and run backwards mocking her accent, "That was embarrassing."

Ela: "Hey, that's my line."

Psycho: "Mine now."

I smirk and turn back around. We both run for what I can only assume is about 20 minutes.

"We should take a break." Ela says heaving out.

"Yeah, we probably should probably take a break." I say as I sit on the side of a log.

Ela sits next to me and leans against my shoulder. I look at my watch reading 6:25.

Psycho: "When is breakfast?"

Ela: "Around 6 until 7."

Psycho: "We should head back then."

Ela: "Okay."

We both stand up and Ela climbs onto my back. I look at her head just above my shoulder and ask, "Why are you like this?"

She just rolls her eyes at me and climbs off. We both walk back to base in silence.

Once we get to the door Ela asks, "What do you say we go on a date after your fight? That is assuming you are still conscious."

Psycho: "You put a lot of faith in this 'Sam'."

Ela: "You don't know who he is do you?"

Psycho: "I know he poses a threat, but I'm unsure of the severity."

Ela: "He was able to take down a full team here with just his hands."

Psycho: "Considering you all were desperate enough to get me. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that was probably not as hard as you made it out to be."

Ela rolls her eyes again and says, "Fair enough."

We finish our conversation after we arrive at the cafeteria. We both grab our breakfast and sit at an isolated table. I look at her and ask, "So where did you have that date in mind?"

Ela: "Well, there is this art studio about 20 minutes from here. But, I don't know your opinion on art."

Psycho: "I mean I can make a mean stick figure."

She laughs and says, "So that is off of the list then."

Ela: "We could also just go to dinner or something."

Psycho: "Well, just pick a place. I don't really know anything over here."

Ela: "Okay. No pressure, but I'm pretty sure the whole base is going to be watching you. Good luck."

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