Chapter 3: Psycho

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(This is set at the same time as Chapter 1: The Trackers)

POV: 'Psycho'

Cold winds on a Thursday night blowing through the streets. The wind howling out from the sides of the tall buildings. These trees blowing in this concrete jungle seem to be the best of both nature and the technology of modern times. This is quite relaxing. But, these views cannot distract me from my goal. From what I gathered from this last base it seems there is a White Mask front hidden behind a bar on 29th. If this is true then I have my work cut out for me since I ran out of ammo last mission and all the gun stores are closed. Here it is, End Table Brewery seems nice, but looks can be deceiving. I guess a look around won't hurt. I open the door to find an almost empty bar with about 4 people inside and 1 girl behind the bar on her phone. I walk up to the bar and take a seat on the stool farthest from everyone else. The bartender looks up from her phone and walks over.

Bartender: "Can I get you anything?"

Psycho: "Do you have ginger ale?"

Bartender: "Yes, I do."

Psycho: "One Moscow Mule with ginger ale."

Bartender: "All right I'll put it on your tab."

I pull out my wallet and grab a $20.

Psycho: "I'll just pay for it now."

Bartender: "All right, that will be $8.92."

I slide her the $20 bill.

Psycho: "Keep the change."

The bartender picks up the $20 and puts it in the register. She turns around and begins to make my drink. It takes her about a minute to top off the drink. In that time I was eyeing the building up for defenses. I noticed 3 cameras, one facing the door, another facing the door to the backroom, and another looking out from the middle of the bar. Too much security for a walk through the door. She slides my drink down the bar to me. I take 2 minutes to enjoy my drink beforehand. Now it's time for my entrance as I left the building rounding the corner to an alley. There was one backdoor into the building watched by a security camera. I walked over to the power box and found the wire for this camera. Taking a moment to catch my breath knowing this one wire would sound the alarm of the terrorists inside. With one strong pull the wire came out and the light on the camera turned off. With that now disabled I walk through the door being greeted by 3 White Masks all with L85s trained on me.

Psycho: "Damn, I thought this was the bathroom."

White Mask Terrorist: "Why would the bathroom only be able to be accessed by a door in a dark alleyway. Is that also why you destroyed the camera outside?"

I breathe in and sweep two of the terrorists legs knocking both to the ground. The next trains his gun on my head, but with one sideways twist I gain his rifle. I use his rifle to blast his head apart and put a round into both of the downed terrorists' heads. Another two terrorists sprint around the corner guns trained at my position. I run and duck behind a shipment of fragile liquor. One of the terrorists push my cover and get a round through the eye as they round the corner. I peek over the box and pop the head off the other terrorist. I walk through the door they came from, checking my corners. There are two doors, one leading to an empty barracks after a short look and the other one being locked. I look on one of the terrorists and notice a frag grenade.

Psycho: "Better than nothing."

I put some duct tape I brought on the grenade and stuck it to the door handle. The door blasted open and I rush in clearing the room quickly. The only thing I notice is an anxious White Mask leader smoking a cigarette he softly places in the ashtray in front of him.

White Mask Leader: "What do you want?"

Psycho: "The location of the base in Colorado."

White Mask Leader: "Off Central Parkway about a mile into the forest."

Psycho: "Okay anything I should be worried about traps, countermeasures, or patrols."

White Mask Leader: "No, there shouldn't be anything concerning. Can I go now I want to see my loving wife and children?"

Psycho: "Says the guy who was smoking a cigarette."

White Mask Leader: "I know it's just the stress of this job. The only reason I even went for this job was to earn money for my family."

Psycho: "It's called a deal with the devil for a reason."

I grab him and throw him into a crate of strong Russian vodka in the corner and take his cigarette off his desk. Walking over and looking this defeated man in the eyes I throw the cigarette onto his chest the high proof alcohol combusting into flames on this man's body. He begins screaming in agony, the most high-pitched deafening screaming I have ever heard. I turn and walk over to leave, but I turn to look back into the room.

Psycho: "You knew smoking kills."

Only getting his screams and cries for help in response. I then begin walking out of the building slowly. Stopping to reach over into one of the White Mask shipments and pull out a new L85, a box of 5.56 for it, and a box of 9mm putting all three in a duffle bag and leaving. Hearing sirens approaching I begin to pick up the pace in running through this alleyway back to my apartment. Slowing down only when cops drove by to go to the scene of the White Mask shootout. I get to the stairs of my apartment only to be stopped by one of my annoying neighbors, Alex.

Alex: "Where have you been all night? Let me guess, picking up all the ladies and fucking up parties."

Instead of responding I simply walk past him.

Alex: "Well I guess fuck me then."

Psycho: "Yeah, go fuck yourself."

I enter my apartment turning the key and opening the door. I knew something was off as soon as I stepped in. I never leave my combat boots by the door. I draw my pistol walking into my bedroom first. My ex, Emma was laying on my bed.

Psycho: "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Emma: "I'm sorry I just missed you and how we used to sit and just hold each other close."

Psycho: "Well you clearly did not like it enough to not cheat on me."

Emma: "Listen I..I...I know I fucked up, but maybe we could try again?"

Psycho: "No, I will not try another relationship with a cheater. Get the fuck out."

Emma: " Look I know I was in the wrong."

Psycho: " 'In the Wrong' it's not like it was you cheating on a fucking test which you clearly did. Otherwise you would be smart enough to realise how much of a fucking bitch you are. So, as I said before GET THE FUCK OUT!"

Emma got up and walked to the front door trying to hold back her tears. She slowly turned the handle and walked out. I went to the door to make sure she actually left, and indeed she did leave. I closed and locked my door. Leaning into my hands I thought about my decisions up to this point, and how much I have fucked up. Not only have I fucked up my life but other people's lives as well. The best thing I have done for this world is hitting the White Masks and I plan to do it again. With this newfound anger I begin putting ammo into my empty magazines for my Maxim 9 and my new L85. After all my mags are full I place them on my main room table with my guns. Looking at my ShAK-12 one thought went through my head.

Psycho: "Why does my favorite gun have to have a foreign ammo ban?"

After these preparations I felt tired so I walked into my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed still in my dirty clothes.

(Sovereign here I'm unsure of whether to give Psycho a name, assign him with Y/N (Your Name), or just leave him with an unknown name. Just a little dilemma I have that I wanted to share. Anyways I hope you have a good day, evening, etc.)

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