Chapter 10: One Hell of a 'First' Date

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 'Gage' POV:

(Right After the Previous Chapter)

After walking to my assigned room I get a call from Kole. I click on my phone, answering the call. Setting it on speaker and placing it on a table while sitting in a nearby chair.

(Call) Kole: "We have a problem in Alaska. We sent a reconnaissance group to investigate a possible White Mask base yesterday. They are yet to report back... So, shake off your six year nap and get ready."

Gage: "Got it. Any intel?"

(Call) Kole: "The believed base is hidden in an abandoned warehouse in northern Anchorage. We have 2 squads of 4 waiting for you there. They should have more intel for you."

Gage: "Okay, do you have any weapons ready?"

(Call) Kole: "Go to room 2 and talk to Irena. She should have some equipment for you to use. I also left you a little present with it. Good luck."

I get up from my chair, putting my phone back into my pocket. Walking down the hall I find room 2 and walk inside. A woman looked up from her desk to me and asked with a Croatian accent, "Hmm, who are you?"

Gage: "Name's Gage. I need a weapon."

She looks down at her papers on her desk. Irena then entered the room behind her desk and came back out soon after with a large green ceramic crate. She looked back at me and smiled while saying, "Here."

I opened the case finding a VHS-2 and a HS2000. Both of these sitting on top of an advanced suit of armor. I step into a nearby empty room and switch into the suit of armor. Placing the pistol into my holster and slinging the rifle across my hip. Leaving the room I head out to the currently empty airfield to a large metal hangar. About halfway across the runway I am stopped by a short Japanese man.

Japanese Man: "Hi, I am your pilot, my name is Ohta Kado. Are you ready to go?"

Gage: "I guess so."

Ohta opens the large doors to the hangar and gestures to the jet in the center.

Ohta: "This should get you to the destination by tomorrow morning. That is if you know what this is capable of."

Gage: "MiG-25RU, a masterpiece of Soviet engineering otherwise known as the Foxbat-C by NATO and its forces. This MiG-25 line of planes was one of the biggest threats to western peace when it was first introduced. The specific model here is a training model used by reconnaissance trainees equipped with the reconnaissance equipment of the MiG-25R. No weapons are equipped onto the exterior, however it is equipped with emergency weapon holsters next to both the interior seats of the plane. So, yeah I know that this thing is capable of having speeds capable of over Mach 3 if the engines are pushed to their limit."

Ohta: "Someone did their homework."

Gage: "You could say that..."

Ohta climbs the side of the jet and opens up the canopy. He sits in the pilot seat and throws on his helmet covered in reflective tape in the shape of a smiling face. I follow him up the side and take a seat in the co-pilot section of the cockpit. He shuts the canopy after me and starts the engines. The engines roar to life, drowning out all remnants of silence. He turns back to me and hands me a matte black helmet with the PMC logo on it. I wipe off the small amount of dust from the shield logo and place it on my head. With that the pilot takes off down the runway, and I take a nap to the sound of both the rushing winds and the engine.

'Psycho' POV:

(Right After Previous Chapter)

Psycho: "When do I start actually doing something other than walking around base?"

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