Operator File: (Y/N) 'Psycho' (L/N)

725 7 0

Name: (Y/N) 'Psycho' (L/N)

Affiliation: Unaffiliated (Former MARSOC)

Position: Defender

Birthplace: [Redacted]

Date of Birth: July 23, 1994 (Age: 27)

Height: 1.91 m (~6'2")

Weight: 84.8 kg. (~187 lbs.)


After joining the U.S. Marine Corps. right out of high school (Y/N) was an all around natural flying through every test throw at them. This recruit passed through boot camp early as their talent was recognized by the top brass throwing him immediately into the deep end of MARSOC. Private (L/N) was accepted in after training and went on to do 19 major operations. With all of these operations being successful. (Y/N) was offered a spot on Rainbow 6 a few years ago, but ultimately declined. (Y/N) wanted to attempt a normal life as a civilian, but when the White Mask threat emerged. So did Psycho in full force ready to extinguish their flame of a revolution. 

(Added By Psycho): During my time as a civilian seeing the White Mask attacks wreak havoc on the defenseless. I learned the true need of the protectors of peace. The faces of those slain at Bartlett gave me a reason to fight. Or, maybe it was just an excuse to throw myself back into my home. My entire life I tried to hide my true nature. But, h**l I was born to kill. Also, I may or may not have lied to get in a year early at 16.

{Comment_H._Pandey}: The vulgarity was unneeded, but I like the passion. I'm going to cover up that final sentence as that is against almost every rule with child soldiers. You're Welcome.

Psychological Profile:

(Y/N) is a very skilled operative, but behind that dangerous exterior is a softer inside who deeply cares about those on his team. Why he chooses to keep this side of him under lock and key is anyone's guess. Often going out of his way to avoid those he knows who will try to pry him. 

Psychological Report:

'Psycho' is one of the farthest reaches I have ever seen to describe (Y/N). While he is very passionate on the field striving their hardest to make sure the mission is done right and as close to perfection. Nothing I have seen indicates him to have any obvious symptoms of 'Psychosis' granted I am not a medical professional. Neither have I seen him show any indication of being a psychopath. 

Psycho is one of the most effective operators I have ever seen come into this program. Easily taking on the top of any competition whether out of confidence or pure stupidity. Granted his attempts paid off as he has established himself as to some a great rival and to others a great teammate. I am still on the fence about his reason, but his progress and strengths definitively out weigh any sort of weakness he has.

If anything is brought up that brings pain to (Y/N) he avoids it by either abandoning the question or providing humor as relief. (Y/N)'s strongest dislike seems to be whenever his past is brought up especially childhood. Whether the question is 'Where are you from?' or 'What was your favorite thing as a child?' Psycho passes it off or completely dodges the question. This could be either from childhood trauma or something that (Y/N) wants to avoid.

-Samuel L. 'Zero' Fisher


U.S. Marine Corps. (I Marine Expeditionary Force)

-Basic Weapons Training

-Basic CQB Training

-Basic Survival Training

U.S. Marine Special Operations Command

-Advanced Weapons Training

-Advanced CQB and CQC Training

-Advanced Survival Training

Krav Maga Training (Black-Belt)

Kenjutsu Training (Hanshi)

Judo Training (Black-Belt)

Relevant Experience: (In Order of Date)

Operation: Moshtarak

Operation: Stronghold

Operation: Pitfall

Operation: White Phantom

Operation: Drawback

Operation: Brass Sun

Operation: Frozen Hearts

Operation: Monolith

Operation: Prodigy

Operation: Red Freedom

Operation: Smokescreen

Operation: Point Blank

Operation: Thin Ice

Operation: Golden Serpent

Operation: Silver Sword

Operation: Obelisk

Operation: Red Rain

Deployed in [Redacted] (Along with Operative Timur 'Glaz' Glazkov)


Primaries: ShAK-12 (Favored), LMG-E, and Sr-25

Secondaries: Maxim 9 (Favored) and LFP586

Primary Gadget: 'Second Wind' Injector

Secondary Gadgets: Nitro Cell and Impact Grenades

Ability Evaluation:

Device: 'Second Wind' Injector

Operator: (Y/N) 'Psycho' (L/N)

Evaluation Leads: Lera 'Finka' Melnikova, Elena 'Mira' Álvarez

"The injection while not entirely safe is perfect for an emergency pumping the user full of energy, slowing their blood loss, and reducing their pain. The injection uses a combination of Epinephrine, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Morphine, and Modafinil. The combination is achieved with two non-opioid pain-killers, two different potent pain relievers, and a strong prescription medicine used for patients suffering with narcolepsy. While this injection is too hazardous for wide spread use it can  still be a true life saver on the field." 

-Lera 'Finka' Melnikova

{Comment_'Psycho'}: Noted.

"While simple in concept made from a nail gun and a blood transfusion kit, but it still is a great idea. The concept of the gadget told to us by Erik 'Maverick' Thorn was that after witnessing so many soldiers and friends die in Operation: Moshtarak he wanted a gadget that could give a soldier a 'second' chance. The concept certainly transfers over to the final product as the concoction of drugs when entering can cause mood swings in the user. With all of the downsides the upsides clearly outweigh them as a soldier who is bleeding out can be brought back onto their feet for a short amount of time before a hard crash that can render the user unconscious."

-Elena 'Mira' Álvarez

{Comment_'Psycho'}: Erik was right about the thought for the concept. I worked the concoction out with my base medic for a few hours and after small dosage testing it was ready within two weeks. This injector has probably saved my life more than my rifle, and I am glad others can understand its importance.

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