Chapter 2: *Flashback* Operation: White Phantom

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*Approximately 9 Years Ago*

Ela and Valkyrie after the overwhelming success from their previous operation together the two would be paired up again for Operation: White Phantom. The goal of this operation was to investigate the newly growing terrorist cell, the White Masks. The two were assigned recon and investigation on this new threat before it grew out of hand. Both operatives rode quietly in a Humvee towards the vicinity of the concealed compound.

Ela: "So this seems like a step up from small-time warlords."

Valkyrie: "Yeah, but this also means a jump in expectations. And I do not plan to disappoint."

Ela: "Yeah, yeah always get the job done."

The Humvee stopped over near a cliff overlooking the compound.

Driver: "This is as far as I can go while avoiding detection, and good luck."

Ela and Valkyrie stepped out of the Humvee and began hiking up the backside of this cliff searching for a vantage point. They found a good angle overlooking the base and laid down observing both guard patterns and weaknesses of the base trying to gather as much information as they could.

Valkyrie: "The south wall a few meters from the left corner seems to be cracking. Majority of the guards are stationed at the front as well. It seems to me that the easiest way in would be through the back of the base."

Ela: "Seems that way, and why did they send us out here couldn't a plane or some sort of drone see this better."

Valkyrie: "Already asked about that and the entire compound is surrounded by AA turrets. Any image they could capture of the base would be useless at the height they would have to fly."

Ela: "Hmph."

Valkyrie: "What?"

Ela: "Look at that guy over there by the western wall."

Valkyrie: "Ela, there are 7 guys stationed on the western wall you are going to have to be more specific than that."

Ela: "The one with the radio on his back."

Valkyrie: "Yeah, what about them?"

Ela: "I see no other radio tower or communication dish."

Valkyrie: "So, he must be their communication to the outside."

Ela: "Yep."

Valkyrie: "Not a bad observation, but there is apparently an underground section of this base."

Ela: "So they might still have comms."

Valkyrie: "I need to get closer pictures of the base. The rock over there by the eastern wall would do nicely."

Ela: "Okay, I'll watch you from here. If anything seems off I'll radio you."

Valkyrie: "Okay."

Valkyrie moves up to the rock without a hitch, However, Valkyrie doesn't come back from behind the rock for over 5 minutes and Ela begins to worry.

Ela: "Valkyrie? Valk? Come on, Valk."

Ela stands up and begins to walk to the rock, but a voice on her radio cuts her off.

Valkyrie's Radio: "I'm afraid Miss Valkyrie can't come to the radio right now. So, if you want to see your friend again in one piece I recommend you turn yourself and your equipment over to the compound."

Ela: "Wy pieprzeni terroryści."

Ela walks to the front gate of terrorist's base and is knocked out by one of the guards.

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