Chapter 4: Intercept Trajectory

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(The Day after Chapter 1 and 3)

3rd Person Rainbow POV: (Same Time as Previous)

The Rainbow operatives boarded their flight to Denver from Bristol Airport. They passed with some small talk, but for the majority of the trip it was silent. Ash taking point establishing a plan as soon as they stepped off the plane.

Ash: "We need to search this city as fast as possible. He could only be here for a short window of time."

Kapkan: "Let me guess in your copious amounts of energy you already came up with a plan."

Ash: "Yes, I did. Ela, Dokkaebi, and Kapkan you are on team one. You need to patrol the city and try to find him that way. Jackal and I are going to go through landmarks and different places of residence."

Kapkan: "So knock on random people's doors and just ask them if they have a neighbor who is a vigilante who slaughters terrorists. (Sarcastic) Absolutely astounding idea."

Ash: "If we don't find him by the end of the day we have two apartments we can stay at. Alright move out."

Both teams split off and go on the search for Psycho.

'Psycho' POV: (Same Time as Previous)

I wake up and get out of bed. I walk out to the main room and begin to count my magazines and prepare for the mission today. My informant at the airport who usually tells me if a threat arrives or departs tells me that Team Rainbow is looking for me whether for an arrest or recruitment. Either way I plan to give them the fireworks of the White Mask base.

Psycho: "Thermite... Check, Plastic Explosives... Check, and Detonators... Check. All right, time to move."

I equip my gear and grab my hard cased laptop putting it in my backpack. I snugly put my magazines on top of my 3+ body armor plate carrier. With one last check I leave my apartment locking the door behind me. Walking down my apartment stairs I walk over to my car, a dark gray BMW M4 from 2007. As I was getting in I saw two people, a woman with red hair and a man with short hair with a slavic figure on his face. I get in my car and start it up. The woman turns around and looks in through my front windshield. Immediately grabbing the man's shoulder and pointing to my car. I look at her and give her a smirk before reversing out of my spot. After two minutes of driving I noticed no-one was still following me. Another ten minutes and I notice a blacked-out Explorer has been following me for about four minutes. I pull into a parking lot and stop. The Explorer pulls up on the curb outside of the parking lot. I drive around the building waiting, and when I see the Explorer pull into the back I go around the building and leave the parking lot. After this tracking fiasco I need to get to this base. I pull onto a dirt path outside of the forest the base is in. I step out, grab my bag of gear and put one of my wireless ear buds in and start on my playlist.

I walk through the forest with the satisfying crunch of branches under my sneakers. I see the base in the distance. Time for some recon. I find a good vantage point to observe so I take it on top of a small hill about half a mile from the base.I see a patrol of 3 guards circling the base about every 2 minutes and thirteen cameras surrounding the base. However, the cameras do have a blindspot in between two cameras is a small crack where the cameras can't see. Guess that's my in. I creep down into a ditch right in front of the camera's blindspot waiting on the guard patrol. They walk by talking about their boss's anxiety of an attack. Hell, if only he knew. They pass and I walk through the blindspot.

3rd Person Rainbow POV: (Rewind 5 Minutes Before Previous)

Ela: "Jackal how did you lose him!? Didn't you say you were a good driver?"

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