Chapter 8: Fitness Test

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'Psycho' POV:

I open my eyes, groaning from this jolting pain coming from my head. Leaning over to the side of the bed I struggle to try to contain my headache. "One hell of a hangover..." I say quietly to myself.

Ela: "You can say that again."

Psycho: "One hell of a hangover."

Ela: "Smartass." She says as she pulls me closer closing the distance between us.

Psycho: "I need to get ready for my run, so can you let me go." I stammer out as she was attempting to crush my diaphragm.

Ela: "Dlaczego wszystko musi się skończyć?" (Why does everything have to end?)

Psycho: "There will be plenty of time later."

Ela: "There better." She says with a slight pout.

Psycho: "Może trochę więcej." (Maybe a little more.)

Ela: "I read your file and it said you didn't speak Polish." She became suspicious while gripping tightly.

Psycho: "Well, I'm definitely not fluent."

Ela: "But, you can understand me and respond back..."

Psycho: "I learned most of it off of books after I met you."

Ela accepted this answer and let her grip go, but not before pecking me on the cheek. "I'll be waiting for you after you're done." she said seductively.

Psycho: "Oh, I was planning on going to the shooting range."

Ela: "Well... I guess I could wait. But, don't keep me waiting too long." she added the last part with a wink.

Psycho: "Maybe sometime later this week. I don't want to rush this too fast."

She raised her eyebrow after I said this. "We already had sex I'm not sure how much farther it can get."

I stand up and get to the door before Ela stops me. "Maybe we don't tell this to my siostra (sister)." she says while rubbing the back of her neck.

Psycho: "I was planning on living too."

She giggled and waved. "Bye (Y/N), I'll see you later." she says in between her laughter.

I walk out going back to my room to change, but not before almost trampling over Emma in the doorway. The cold drink she was carrying splashing all over my shirt. "Je suis désolé. (I'm sorry.)" she almost yells out in between her cupped hands.

Psycho: "It's fine I was going to change anyway."

Twitch: "But, here at least let me get this for you." she says as she starts removing my shirt.

She takes my shirt with her and carries it deeper into the room. Still standing in the hallway was getting pretty awkward. I follow shortly behind as to not be seen shirtless standing in front of Emma's door. Walking into my room I grab a fresh set of clothes, setting them on my bed. Emma opens the door holding my freshly washed, still damp shirt. "Okay,'s y...your shirt." Emma stammers out.

I walk up to her and grab my shirt, putting it onto my table in the corner. "Thank you." I say as I turn my back to the door.

I turn around to see her standing there still in my room. "You can leave now, Emma." I told her while crossing my arms.

Twitch: "Désolé. (Sorry.)"

She leaves frantically throwing herself out of the door. I laugh silently to myself and put on some clean athletic wear. Walking out of the dorm I navigate my way through the hallways to find an exit. I find one near the cafeteria and traverse the uneven English ground to the outdoor track. I approach Harry standing next to Meghan. I sneak behind Meghan and yell, "Well, So when is this test supposed to start!?"

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