Chapter 1 - Reunions

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It was a lie.

The end was merely the beginning of their newest adventure.

Logically, Regulus understands that they don't live in a world full of rainbows and butterflies- and with his past, he's learned that the hard way.

Somehow though, he found treasure- he found somewhere to belong.

That was the greatest gift, really. To find the people who understood you- who you could be entirely yourself around- a family.

Regulus had always wanted a family- a real family.

Although, now that he finally had one, he had something to lose.

It became clear just how different the year was to be once the first day feast rolled around.

Regulus plopped lazily down on the bench beside Ivan.

He'd spent the last hour or so unpacking his crap into his dorm for what would be the last time.

It was peculiar really, returning to the castle. It was the same and yet everything was different.

To Regulus, it seemed quieter. Much quieter without his Brother or James causing some kind of ruckus.

When Regulus arrived at the dining hall, Claudette and Ivan had been waiting for him.

Ivan was begrudgingly playing with his mashed potatoes, barely even looking up as Regulus sat across from him.

"What's his problem?" Regulus asked Claudette, who sat beside him.

"He's grumpy because the guest wing is nicer than the Gryffindor dorms." Claudette explained.

"Could've told you that." Regulus chuckled.

Ivan opened his mouth to rebuttal, but Dumbledore's voice stopped him.

"Good evening, children", Dumbledore started, "Now, we have changes in staffing this year. We wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... Professor Lyra Locket. And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck."

Regulus' eyes traveled to the newest professor.

"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright... happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." She started.

Regulus couldn't explain where he'd seen this woman before. She looked... familiar.

She had long dark brown hair and a mole above her lip and to the left.

Her eyes were a freaky mix of blue, which was probably due to inbreeding.

There was something off about her, but he wasn't sure what.

She scanned the crowd before locking eyes with Regulus.

Her lips curled slightly upwards.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved. Perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." She continued.

"Thank you, Professor Locket. That really was most illuminating." Dumbledore assured.

"Illuminating?", Regulus huffed, looking directly at her, "What a load of waffle."

"What's it mean?" Ivan questioned.

"Magic is forbidden in the corridors..." Dumbledore continued.

"It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts." Claudette explained to her slow boyfriend.

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