Chapter 3 - Detention

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Regulus didn't serve his detention until a few days later. By then he was tired and ready to get it over with.

When he reached Professor Locket's office- The door was open, but still he tapped his knuckles on the door as precaution.

"Come in." She spoke.

Regulus stepped into the office. It was rather bland looking, if he was honest.

She'd definitely made herself at home, but in a way that made Regulus weary- a way he was too knowledgeable of.

She had very little things, a lifestyle that usually insisted one was ready to take off at any given moment.

There were a few things that stuck out in Regulus' mind.

A sand timer, counting down to Merlin knows what. The sand seemed to twirl down towards the bottom- definitely magic.

The next was a pocket watch she'd lazily left aside. It glowed a purple hue and displayed the time in a floating projection.

Regulus had never seen anything like it- nor did he think their technology was advanced enough for that.

It seemed old, however, which threw Regulus off. It looked worn with age- a family heirloom perhaps.

The last was a picture frame, tucked into the mess of her desk, of a girl and a boy- almost identical.

Twins. Her children, maybe. Although, Regulus figured she was far too young and had a hatred for children.

"Good evening, Mr. Black", She greeted emotionless, "Sit."

"You're going to be doing some lines for me today." She explained, giving him parchment.

He had to use up all of his self control to keep himself from rolling his eyes.

He'd have to tell James about his detention- knowing him he'd be proud.

Regulus grabbed his own quill to start, but she stopped him.

"No, not with your quill. You're going to be using a rather special one of mine." She jeered, with a wicked smile.

Regulus took the quill wearily, but proceeded.

"Now, I want you to write", She paused, thinking, "'I must not tell lies.'"

"How many times?" Regulus quizzed.

"Well, let's say for as long as it takes for the message to sink in." She jeered.

"You haven't given me any ink." Regulus quipped.

"Oh, you won't need any ink." She assured.

Regulus furrowed his eyebrows as he brought the quill to the parchment.

He hissed as he wrote his first word, glancing towards his hand as the word had shown up against his sheet white skin.

He continued on, the pain becoming worse and worse.

Blood pooled from his hand before it began to heal, and the process continued.

Regulus hissed once again.

"Yes?" She quizzed, knowingly.

"Nothing." Regulus huffed.

"That's right. Because you know, deep down you deserve to be punished", She spat, "Don't you, Mr. Black? Go on."

It took everything in him and more to not say 'kinky' at her remark.

Sure, he chuckled a bit, but mostly the pain kept him occupied.

He wrote line after line until his wound finally stopped healing and the words 'I must not tell lies' were deeply carved into his hand.

"That'll be enough for tonight." She spoke.

Regulus placed the quill down and stood up, not showing any signs of emotions- not letting her win.

He waiting until he'd made it quite a bit away from her office- a trail of his blood following him- before he finally clutched his hand to his chest in pain.

It was a short walk back to the Slytherin house, but it felt like forever.

He'd almost reached the entrance when Ivan and Claudette appeared.

"How was your detention?" Claudette quizzed.

"Did you hurt your hand? Because mine fucking burns." Ivan whined.

"Regulus?" Claudette quizzed as she noticed how the boy had been clutching his hand.

"I'm fine- it was fine." Regulus assured, but his quivering lip betrayed him.

Claudette reached for his hand, showcases the bloodied words, 'I must not tell lies'.

"Regulus." Ivan huffed in shock.

Regulus felt the tears slip down his face before he crashed into Ivan's chest, letting his sobs loose.

Claudette's hand rubbed comfortingly behind his back.

She shared a look with Ivan, that was along the lies of 'we had one job' and 'how did we let this happen'.

"Shhhh...", Claudette whispered, "It's alright, you're alright."

"We got you, Regulus." Ivan assured.

Regulus couldn't be happier to be with the people he loved.

They let him cry it all out before they all headed to his dorm.

Merlin knows where Barty and Evan were, but it was seemingly empty when they arrived.

Regulus told them about what happened, about how she'd seemed so pleased with herself.

Claudette tried to heal it best she could, but the magic seemed to advanced and would probably scar.

She wrapped it in bandages and made sure it wouldn't get infected.


"Can we not tell James about this, please? It's the last thing he needs to worry about." Regulus begged.

Ivan seemed to frown at how far down Regulus put himself of James' priorities.

Regulus grabbed the mirror as James appeared, all smiley and excited.

"Claudette! Ivan! How have you been?" James gleamed.

"Good." Claudette said with a smile.

"I've been better." Ivan shrugged, earning him a glare from Regulus.

"Reggie, baby, how was your day?" James asked.

"It was alright, a bit boring." Regulus admitted.

James' face got closer to the mirror and he frowned, "Have you been crying?"

"Yeah, Ivan smells like onions." Regulus jeered with a chuckle.

"Hey!" Ivan exclaimed before shoving Regulus.

"Alright, I'll let you guys get back to it. I just wanted to say goodnight to my butthead." James snickered.

Regulus rolled his eyes, "Goodnight James."

"That boy is head-over-heals for you", Ivan explained as the mirror became a mirror, "He'll burn Hogwarts to the ground when he finds out."

"I'll tell him", Regulus assured with a breath, "For now, I just want to rest."

"Alright." Ivan sighed.

The three of them fell back onto the bed.

The bed barely fit him and James, and yet somehow they'd puzzle-pieced their way to fitting the three of them.

"We'll figure it out together." Claudette assured, placing a kissed to Regulus' temple.

In the safety of his friend's arms, he allowed himself to rest easy.

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