Chapter 5 - Where it Began

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"What are you doing here?" Regulus quizzed.

"You have ears, Regulus, you heard why-" James started.

"I meant, don't you have Auror training?" Regulus huffed.

"It's not hard to get from here to there, besides it's all worked out", James explained, "I'm merely doing Dumbledore a favor."

Regulus didn't like that answer from some unknown reason- it didn't add up.

"Although I will admit, I accepted the offer for more... selfish reasons." James mumbled, growing closer as their breaths swirled together.

James' thumb trailed across Regulus' bottom lip.

"James..." Regulus breathed.

He decided that he just might die if James didn't kiss him right then.

James brought their lips together, desperately, just like he'd day-dreamt in his head at least a dozen times before the feast ended.

It was as if they'd never kissed.

Regulus would almost compare it to their very first.

So much pent up sexual frustrations and desire.

It'd been a month since they'd properly kissed and it was so worth the wait.

The kiss made up for all the kisses he'd missed out on in the past month and more.

James was buzzing with eagerness and Regulus happily let the boy use him as a way of release.

When they both pulled away breathless, James rested his forehead on Regulus'.

Regulus huffed, looking towards James through his eyelashes, before he couldn't contain his smile any longer.

A soft laugh fell from his lips.

"I love you."

James pulled back just enough to take in Regulus' face, as if trying to remember the moment forever.

As soon as he left, he returned- pressing kisses all around Regulus' face.

"Alright, alright." Regulus chuckled as he gently pushed James away.

"Who allowed you to be this cute!" James jeered, squishing Regulus' face in his hands.

Regulus looked at him in confusion- a confusion full of love, "That's such an odd question."

"I'm so in love with you, people might as well start calling us the Potters'." James muttered, with a smile that made Regulus' limbs feel like pudding.

Regulus was very aware of their future- as much as he'd been allowed to, of course.

He knew that sometime in the future he and James would bring another mischievous Potter into the world.

One who apparently also experienced quite the interesting life.

Regulus guessed it was a given, being that he looked like the spitting image of James and his uncle was Sirius.

Other than that, he wasn't allowed to know much else. What little he already knew could change the future.

He didn't worry, Harry seemed to faith and Regulus would too.

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