Chapter 8 - Halloween Gossip

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They reached the room, opening the door and releasing the chaos.

The hall was silent, but inside the room music was blaring and the bass shook the entire room.

There were a lot of people, all jumping around with red cups in hand.

They were dressed as everything from fairies to pirates to zombies to angels.

Halloween decorations hung all around. Purple and orange colored streamers streamers and lights were strung along the walls.

Regulus scanned the crowd expectantly.


James appeared out of nowhere absolutely covered in gold paint, wearing little golden wings.

James furrowed his eyebrows, "What are supposed to be?"

"You, silly." Regulus explained, pushing the glasses up his nose.

James pressed a kiss to his lips that was way too long for their friends to have to suffer through.

"What are you supposed to be?" Regulus quizzed as they pulled away, slightly breathless.

"A golden snitch." James explained.

Ivan's hand patted Regulus on the shoulder with a teasing smile, "Have fun with that."

He and Claudette disappeared into the crowd, probably headed for the drinks.

When they'd left James' eyes looked Regulus up and down.

"Is this my old quidditch jersey?" James quizzed, placing the fabric between his fingers.

"Maybe." Regulus muttered.

"Such a little thief." James clicked his tongue.

"Speaking of stealing." Regulus started before plucking James' cup from his hands.

Regulus finished the cup before James could even try to take it back.

Any normal person would've grimaced at whatever mixture that had been, but Regulus wasn't a normal person.

James kissed his lips before trailing down Regulus' jaw.

"I'm going to need to be a lot drunker to do this with everyone watching." Regulus exclaimed.

James smirked as he pulled back, "That can be arranged."

After awhile both Regulus and James were feeling the effects.

Regulus was practically covered in James' golden paint already.

"Come on, we should get out of here." James suggested.

Regulus was an absolute puppy dog when he was drunk, so he followed James without a any complaints.

James dragged them towards a door, dragging them into a new room.

Regulus glanced around the room. It was a bedroom, with beige walls and a bed against the wall.

The boy floated towards the window where he could see the blue ocean and bright stars.

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