Chapter 14 - Epilogue

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The water pushed and pulled back with such a lovely rhythm.

It had long since soaked every article of clothing on his body.

The sand acted nicely as a bed as it sunk to fit his body.

There was a peaceful silence.

A melody that only nature could produce.

And then there was a cough.

Water shot into his mouth.

He rolled over, practically coughing up his weight in water.

The sun made him squint as he pushed himself up to sit.

The action in itself had him keeling over.

Soon he was discarding the contents of his stomach- that took on a seemingly purple color.

He watched as it soaked into the sand.

Light reflected off metal.

He brought his hand up, the object hanging from his finger.

Sand poured from him as he stood to his feet.

He wobbled, but began walking down the shoreline.

There wasn't a specific destination he was heading to, nor was he sure he was going in the right direction.

By the time he came upon them, the sun had taken to drying him.

He was still shuffling in damp clothes and shoes with soles that had sucked water up like sponges, but he would take what he could get.

The pair was sitting on two logs that had found themselves on the beach.

He tossed the locket in front of them, before joining them.

The girl itched her arm, rashes appearing sporadically around her body.

The boy blew out salt water from his nose before speaking.

"What do we do now?"

None of the trio took their eyes off the locket.

"We destroy the piece of Voldemort's soul", Regulus said with a fiery hatred- now it was personal, "Then we destroy him."

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