Chapter 11 - Regulus' First Christmas

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Regulus was on a mission when he returned back to Hogwarts.

Ivan and Claudette had group hugged him as soon as they'd met up.

He told them about everything- His father, his injured elf, his mother, the horcrux.

For the next month Ivan, Claudette, and Regulus had searched high and low for information on horcruxes

Finally, Regulus managed to steal a book from Slughorn that gave them a long awaited answer.

Apparently a horcrux was the name given to an object containing part of a wizard's soul hidden by themselves to gain immortality.

Creating one horcrux gives one the ability to anchor one's very spirit to the world of the living.

The more horcruxes one created, the closer one was to true immortality.

So Voldemort had created a horcrux in order to become immortal.

If they wanted any fighting chance at winning this war, Regulus needed to get that locket.

Well, the trio had to get that locket- since they wouldn't let Regulus leave their sight after what happened.

So they devised a plan.

They would all be at Remus and Sirius' for the holidays, so the trio would sneak away, call for Kreacher and make him take them to where the locket is, and then steal it.

Easy, right?


There were two problems.

One being that James had been on him like white on rice.

The other, being that the trio didn't know what they were up against. They had no idea what kind of precautions Voldemort had put in place to protect the piece of his soul.

Regulus would say they had time, but the last month had practically flown by.

"Alright. Great job everyone." Regulus announced.

"We'll see you all after the holidays", Claudette spoke, "So just keep practicing on your own
as best you can."

Ivan, Claudette, and Regulus had waited for the room to empty out.

"I think I got the patronus charm down." Regulus piped up.

"Oooooh, let's see." Ivan jeered.

Regulus closed his eyes and thought about gold paint.

"Expecto patronum." He muttered with a smile.

He opened his eyes just as a beautiful blue stag strutted around the trio.

Regulus smirked proudly.

"That's fantastic, Regulus!" Claudette exclaimed.

"You have to teach us how to do that." Ivan chuckled in amazement.

"For sure." Regulus said.

The three of them finally headed out of the room, into the halls- only parting ways once they had walked Regulus to his room.

When Regulus entered the room, James was fast asleep.

Which wouldn't be odd, except it was only like seven in the evening.

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