Chapter 7 - The Promises We Can't Keep

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Regulus returned back to James' room as they reached Hogwarts.

Of course the boy was still pouting, even hours later.

"Since when do we lie to each other?" James quizzed.

"Can we not do this right now, please." Regulus asked, calmly.

"I'm just hurt that you don't think you can talk to me." James muttered.

"Like all the things you don't tell me about the Order." Regulus quipped in response.

"How did you-" James started, his eyes widening.

"I'm not a child, James." Regulus sighed.

"I wish you could get to be one. I just wanted you to have a relaxing seventh year where your biggest worries were NEWTs, not a war." James muttered as he plopped down on the edge of the bed.

"Of course I'm going to worry about the war, when you're actively involved in it." Regulus explained.

"I just wanted to make you feel safe, Regulus." James admitted, his voice breaking as he stared at the ground.

"Hey." Regulus started as he brought his hands to James' face- making the boy look up at him.

"I feel safe when I'm with you and I feel safe knowing you're out there protecting me. I'm just so scared because I've never had anything that was ever truly mine", Regulus explained, "Now I have a family and friends and you and I have so much to lose."

"I'm trying to protect you. And Sirius and Remus and Peter." James started.

"And who's supposed to protect you while you're busy protecting everyone else, silly?" Regulus muttered.

"You can keep me in the dark all you want James, but I will still fight beside you because I know there are James' and Regulus' out there who just need a fighting chance." Regulus explained.

"You're too lovely for this world, Regulus." James mumbled.

The way his name fell so gently off of James' tongue drove Regulus mad in the most hair-standing-up-on-his-neck way.

It was a magic that solely belonged to James Potter.

Regulus initiated the kiss, leaning down enough for their lips to meet.

It had started as something sweet and gentle.

James pulled Regulus closer.

Regulus placed his knees on either side of James on the bed, straddling him- not breaking away.

James' hands tucked themselves behind Regulus' knees as Regulus threaded his fingers in James' hair.

Within moments sweet and gentle became warm and passionate.

Regulus' entire body, frozen from the cold outside, warmed in mere seconds.

They were the hot and cold that swirled so beautifully and dangerously into tornados.

Being with James, in that moment, was being in a tornado.

They were the inside of the tornado- calm and unbothered by anything else.

While everything around them- everything outside of their bubble- threatened to destroy everything.

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