Chapter 6 - The Order Jr.

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It wasn't too bad of a walk to where James was staying.

Except Regulus didn't do any of the walking.

"Here we are." James mumbled.

James walked him all the way to the bed before tossing Regulus down.

Regulus took in the room.

It was very similar to the head boy and girl dorm- that Regulus had only been to once after he guilt tripped James about it.

It was as big as Regulus' dorm, with less beds of course.

There was a bookshelf to one side and a sofa facing a small fireplace to the other.

Most things were red- there was so much red- and Regulus figured that was more James' doing.

He didn't hate the color as much as he'd once had, but that didn't mean he wanted to drown everything in it.

"What do you think?" James quizzed, tossing himself onto the bed beside Regulus.

"It's nice- a little red for my likings." Regulus chuckled.

James slipped under the soft covers before patting for Regulus to join him.

Regulus rested his head on James' chest before James' arms enveloped him completely.

"I will admit", Regulus started, letting a yawn fall from his lips, "this bed is way better than the dorm beds."

James laughed, truly laughed and Regulus loved the sound, "True."

Neither of them could stay awake much longer.

Finally back in the safety and comfort of each other's arms- and the luxury bed- it was quite hard not to pass right out.

Regulus had missed James.

Of course the boy wasn't his lifeline- he had friends and a life outside of his relationship- but James is such an important part in his life and it was hard not being able to share everything with him.

Regulus didn't care that it was cliche, but before James had been his lover- he'd been his friend.

"Hullo, Regulus." James greeted as he joined Regulus in walking down the hall.

"James." Regulus returned.

"I've heard you're looking for a Transfiguration tutor", James started, "Surely if anyone were to help you, it might as well be the best."

"You're offering to tutor me?" Regulus quizzed, suspicious of whatever scheme James Potter had up with sleeve.

"Don't act so surprised." James joked.

Regulus stopped to turn to look at the boy, squinting his eyes, "What do you get out of it?"

"Is the chance at cracking the mystery that is Regulus Black not enough for me to offer my services?" James questioned with a smirk.

"No." Regulus muttered, before continuing to walk in hopes of losing the boy, but James chased after him.

James always chased after him.

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