Chapter 13 - Fate Worse than Death

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Regulus, Ivan, and Claudette stood in silence. A mournful silence more than anything.

"Kreacher." Regulus called.

There was a pop and Kreacher stood before them.

"We need you to take us to the horcrux." Regulus explained.

"But Master Regulus-" The elf started, but Regulus' gaze was unfaltering, "Yes, sir."

The trio linked arms and they were gone with a pop.

When they hit solid ground again, it was the smell of saltwater that told them they were no where near all they'd left behind.

Regulus couldn't help himself as he made his way onto the shore.

He crouched down, letting the small granules of sand sift through his fingers.

If he focused hard enough he could almost hear children laughing.

A hand landed on his shoulder. It was a comforting gesture.

Regulus looked up at Ivan as if asking if they were doing the right thing.

Ivan nodded.

They all trekked down the beach in silence.

"I told James." Regulus pipped up.

"And he willingly let you go?" Ivan quizzed.

"It wasn't a question", Regulus explained, "If it was the last I see of him, I'd rather he not think of me as a liar when I'm gone."

No one objected.

They all knew it was very possible that they weren't going to make it out alive.

"At least if something happens to us, James will fill them in." Claudette muttered.

How they had gotten here was beyond him.

Regulus thought back to how happy they'd once been, spending their last year of schooling together.

Now they seemed to be walking to their doom.

As they reached the hole in the cliff, Kreacher stopped.

"It requires a blood sacrifice." Kreacher explained.

Regulus was ready to volunteer, but Claudette stopped him.

"I'll do it. So we'll all don't have to bleed." She reminded.

Claudette used her wand to slice down her palm.

Kreacher guided her hand onto the wall, smudging the bright red blood across the dark stone.

The rocks seems to tumble down before them, revealing the cave entrance.

A few steps was all it before they were standing on the edge of a great black lake, so vast they couldn't even make out the distant banks.

The cavern was so high that the ceiling, too, was out of sight.

A misty greenish light shone far away in- what looked like- the middle of the lake.

It was reflected in the completely still water below.

The greenish glow and the light from their wands were the only things that broke the otherwise velvety blackness.

The darkness was somehow denser than normal darkness.

It the middle of the cave was an island with a pedestal.

Regulus figured that's where they needed to go.

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