Chapter 9 - Back to Black

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The trio were all making their way to the pitch to fly- well, for Ivan and Regulus to fly while Claudette read on the grass.

"I'm kind of excited for Christmas." Ivan started as they walked.

"Ivan- it's November." Regulus scoffed.

"I know, but Christmas is the next Holiday", Ivan explained, "Besides I'm having Eva withdrawals."

"How is your sister?" Regulus asked.

"Good. Better than me- it seems like everyday is a new adventure for her", Ivan explained, "She's been-"

"Mr. Black."

McGonagal appeared out of nowhere, her face was sporting something of a frown.

"Come with me." She instructed.

Regulus was a little stunned, to be entirely honest.

He looked to Ivan and Claudette who were just as confused.

"It shouldn't be long." Regulus said hopeful, before following McGonagal.

There was something so off-putting about leaving his friends behind, but nothing could ruin his day after everything that had happened.

They made it to McGonagal's office not too soon after.

Best case scenario it was probably about choosing a career for after Hogwarts, worst case scenario she found out about the Junior Order- which Regulus didn't think she could be too mad about.

As soon as Regulus stepped into the office, he stood corrected.

Nothing could ruin his day- except that.

Regulus' eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

He unconsciously stood straighter, tucking his hands behind his back.

"What is this about?" Regulus asked.

"Your father has fallen ill. I'm here to take you home for the weekend, to figure out his will and testament." Walburga explained, so casually.  

Regulus looked to McGonagal almost to question if it was allowed.

She seemed disappointed- like she wished she could do more.

"You just have to sign here, Regulus." McGonagal explained.

His mother would kill him right then if he didn't sign.

Regulus scribbled his signature and beside it he wrote, 'Warn James'.

He handed the pen back to McGongal with a sad smile.

"We'll be on our way now, Regulus." Walburga commanded.

Regulus followed beside her.

She grabbed floo power, tossing it into the fireplace as she called the name of Regulus' childhood home.

Within the next moment they were both in the drawing room.

Regulus missed absolutely nothing about the place.

It was dark- in decoration and lighting.

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