Chapter 10 - Passing the Torch

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James was going absolutely ballistic without Regulus.

He was the co-dependent one- he couldn't breathe without being near Regulus.

McGonagal had warned him. There was nothing she could do- there was nothing James could do, but hope Regulus would come back in one piece.

It was just one more day- just one. Regulus could comply for just one more day.

James didn't sleep, he didn't eat, he didn't even leave his room.

He'd been sitting on the edge of the bed when they came.

Urgent knocks on his door.

He sprung up from the bed rushing to the door.

Claudette and Ivan.

They both clutched their stomachs in the worst pain.

"It hurts so bad." Claudette whined.

"Regulus. He's- he's in so much pain." Ivan explained, through desperate breaths.

That's all it took.

James' hearing became static ringing.

He was going to get Regulus back, even if he had to burn the house down with Walburga in it.


Regulus shot up from his bed in a hurry.

He rushed into the bathroom, a hand clamped over his mouth, before he discarded everything in his stomach into the toilet.

Blood was added to the mix.

He was either throwing it up or it was coming from one of his injuries- he preferred the latter.

His vision was blurry and he felt such an intense wave of vertigo.

There was a loud bang, coming from downstairs.

Regulus could make out screaming- only bits and pieces.

"Where is he?!"

"I'll kill you for hurting him."

"Don't even try to stop me."

More banging- footsteps maybe?

His bedroom door swung open and for a moment he was not only scared for his life, but Ivan and Claudette's.

He held his breath, only releasing it as sweet, beautiful James Potter came into view.

James rushed towards him, with such an urgency it made Regulus ache.

"Am I hallucinating?" Regulus wondered.

He seemed real- Regulus hoped he was real.

"No baby, I'm right here. I'm gonna take you home, okay?" James whispered so gently.

Regulus' eyes rested shut as he was in James' arms, "Okay..."

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