Chapter 2 - A New Enemy

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Regulus woke up better rested then ever.

He smiled at the memory- the memory that was less of a memory and more of the present as James stirred from behind him.

"Thought you said you'd be gone by morning." Regulus jeered with a smirk.

"I lied." James said burying his face deeper into Regulus' neck.

"Well, I'm heading to breakfast." Regulus jeered as he tried to get up, only to be pulled tighter to James.

"Eating is for the weak", James huffed pressing soft kisses to Regulus' neck, "Five more minutes?"

Regulus sighed before sinking back into his original position.

Only five minutes had become twenty.

"James, I really have to go- I'm going to be late for class." Regulus whined.

"I'm more important than class." James huffed.

"Ivan and Claudette are gonna worry-" Regulus started.

"Ivan and Claudette are here?" James quizzed, sitting up- finally loosing his grip.

"Yeah", Regulus explained, pushing himself up, "They figured they'd stick around since I am their lifeline."

A smile grew on James' face as he cupped Regulus' face in his hands.

"That makes me feel a bit better." James gleamed, pressing a gentle kiss to Regulus' lips.

"I should come say hi." James exclaimed.

"No- no you are going home", Regulus huffed, hiding a smile as he pushed James' chest playfully, "And don't you dare follow me or else I will tell your mother."

"Speaking of my mother", James muttered, bringing one of Regulus' hands to his lips to press kisses to each knuckle, "She'd love to meet you- with how much I talk about you."

"I'd say you sound a little obsessed." Regulus quipped with a playful smirk.

"Obsessed wouldn't even cover all the bases." James assured.

"Bases? Like foot ball?" Regulus quizzed.

"No, not like football", James chuckled before doing a double take, "How do you know what football is?"

Regulus shrugged, "Remus and I dabbled in muggle television over the summer holiday."

James grabbed Regulus face in his hands.

"My sweet innocent baby- Moony has corrupted you." James cried dramatically.

"Oh piss off", Regulus huffed pushing James off him, "He's corrupted me no more than I've corrupted him."

James' face paled at Regulus' smirk.

"Oh Merlin, please don't tell me you've been telling Moony about our sexual endeavors." James whined.

Regulus only snickered at the phrase 'sexual endeavors'.

"I can never show my face again." James muttered.

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