Chapter 12 - Midnight Mission

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The trio had decided.

They would leave during the New Years Eve party.

The party was filled with members of the order, old and young alike.

James had been dragging him around to socialize like Regulus was his trophy wife.

Regulus didn't mind since his presence seemed to make James so happy.

The trio had sworn off of alcohol to make sure they were sober when they left.

Although, Regulus would probably enjoy the party better if he was a little tipsy.

James maneuvered him to the bar before ordering a drink.

"You want anything, my love?" James asked.

"No, I'm good." Regulus muttered.

"Is everything alright?" James questioned.

"Fine- just a bit nauseous is all." Regulus assured.

That was true, but it might have also been the guilt eating away at him.

He felt bad about lying to James.

Regulus knew once he'd promised James he wouldn't keep secrets- and here he was.

Regulus had also promised he wouldn't do anything that could get him killed and now he couldn't guarantee that promise.

He didn't think he would die at the end of the night, but if it were the last Regulus would ever see James- he would make it count.

There was a voice in his head. A voice that made him want to scream and cry.

"You drink a potion, one that makes you see your worst fears- your deepest regrets- and plays them in a constant, never-ending loop- That's not even the best part, after the mental torture- Inferni drag you underwater. Dozens of hand claw at every inch of your body and your lungs flood with water. Then your brain slowly shuts down and your lungs collapse- and then your heart.... stops."

Maybe his destiny was to die in that cave with the inferi- maybe there was nothing anyone could do to change his outcome.

Regulus had been experimenting on being able to severe his bond with Ivan and Claudette.

He'd managed to be able to severe it only temporarily. He hated he couldn't do more- that he couldn't protect them more.

Regulus would take the potion and severe the bond so they don't suffer and then he would just hope the three of them could make it out alive- and preferably unharmed.

"Do you want to go lie down?" James asked, "We have some time before midnight."

"Okay." Regulus nodded.

They had been at some kind of muggle firehouse that was made to look something of a ballroom.

James and Regulus settled for laying in the grass under the stars.

Sirius was the brightest star in the sky that night and Regulus wondered if it would grant him protection on his journey.

Regulus wouldn't lie, he was a bit bummed that he might never see his own again.

At one point, Regulus had stopped looking at the stars and focused on looking at James.

"I love you so much, you know that right?" Regulus started.

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