Open the gates

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(Ok so in Cinderella II Cinderella is being taught how to be a proper princess and they keep the gate closed to commoners but she wants to open it. This was the closest I could find to the meme because I couldn't find the words but I wanted this as the picture because of the way I titled it) 

Normally on most occasions our scene would begin at the mystery shack but tonight it begins at Northwest mansion. Pacifica and her parents were planning their party. If we thought Pacifica was bad her parents are literally the worst.

They even treat their daughter terribly and treat their servants like pets. When Pacifica comes down to meet up with her parents in the wrong colored green dress her mother argues with her to go change.

But to her dismay Pacifica likes her dress and doesn't want to go change but then her father gets involved and rings a bell at her like a dog and she obeys his orders. Doing exactly that.

To make things worse their house is being haunted as plates and utensils such as forks and knives get thrown everywhere by an invisible force and they are worried that whatever this is, is happening and within 24 hours of their biggest party of the year.

Surely there is someone who can deal with this sort of nonsense! Her father exclaims as he picks up the paper with our family on it of us solving mysteries and hoping that they would be able to convince us to help them.

And in the morning (outfit 26) Mabel had her friends Grenda and Candy over and we were sitting around watching Toby talk about the Northwest's biggest party of the year while Dipper and I complained about how terrible they were.

Guys are we forgetting that Pacifica Northwest and her family are literally the worst? Dipper asked them. And that's not just the jealously talking I'd say that right to her face. Dipper says opening the door to find her standing there.

I need your help. You're the worst! Then he slams the door in her face then she knocks again. While they are discussing what she needs our help with I go to my room and call for the guys.

Mabel reminds him that if we help her then we could be invited to the biggest party of the summer. Fine, we'll help you if you give us enough tickets for all of us to go. Dipper tells her. How many do you need? 6. You're lucky I'm desperate.

You're asking for my help so I don't need a personal ticket but my sisters and their friends will be joining us or we have no deal. Again you're lucky I'm desperate. She hands him the stack of tickets.

We get dressed (outfit 57) the part. As we followed her into a limo to the mansion. She warned us not to touch anything while my sister and her friends went to go look at all the fancy things and including the fancy people guest list promising that they wouldn't let their friendship be torn up by a guy.

They promised as they nervously laughed shaking on it and we know that wouldn't mean anything. So young man you think you can get this problem fixed in an hour before people arrive? Her father asked him.

I think so. He's not wearing that is he? He asked Pacifica. I'm on it. Good now bring him to the problem room. He gets dressed into a tux that is otherwise strangling him. Who do you think you're impressing with all this stuff?

Um.... Everyone. You wouldn't understand high standers are what make the Northwest family great. Funny, I thought it was lying about being the founders of the town.

They come into a room that has stuffed animal heads mounted on the walls and paintings hanging above fireplaces as the fireplace is heated up giving the room a dark red coloring.

Ghosts fall under a 10 scale system flying plates sounds like a level 1 kind of ghost. Dipper tells her. He says something about using whatever special water he had to splash the ghost and then would probably be out of her probably fake blonde hair.

Then he picks something up on the EPF. It leads him to a painting with a lumberjack and then the EPF goes silent he taps it and it picks back up and then the figure in the picture is gone.

Pacifica screams as blood drips from the stuffed animal heads and then they both scream when the fire roars. The animal heads in sync repeat the words "ancient sins" over and over again.

Books furniture weapons of all kinds fly everywhere. Dipper what is doing this? She asks him. Looks like a level 10 ghost. Then the animal heads are at it again. "Ancient blood and blackened skies the forest dark shall once again rise."

And when the flames flare up again they dive for the tables underneath. Just read from your stupid book already! I will, and it's not dumb this book is gonna save our lives. Unfortunately the book says nothing on how to defeat this level ghost.

A black skull figure comes out of the fire and turns into the lumberjack as it carries its ax searching for a Northwest. Then the table flies away revealing them. You should not have come here! He tells them.

They run out of the room down the hall into the garden.... Meanwhile Mable and her friends are trying to hold to their truce only the boy they like is too cute and they don't think they will make it but think that Grenda and her flirting style is too aggressive so she and Candy decide to be a tag team together instead.

And me and my friends? Well this really wasn't our thing, but we looked good and we were never going to get another opportunity like this again. Something seems off. I warn my friends. Yeah, I sense it too Infinity.

Let's go look for my brother I think my sister and her friends and their boy problems will be just fine. Out in the garden is where Pacifica and Dipper end up. But they get mud all over their shoes and Dipper says a haunted painting can be captured in a silver mirror.

Only problem they can't go into the white carpeted room because its her parents favorite pattern and they'll lose it if they track mud everywhere and she thinks they would find a new way instead.

*ug* where are they? Mud look over there. Are you serious? We don't have time for this! No way my parents will kill me! Why are you so afraid of your parents? You wouldn't understand she tells him.

They fall through a painting into a room that Pacifica doesn't recognize. Dipper?! I call for them. But then we get tugged into the room with them.

Then the ghost appears and Dipper finds a hand held silver mirror getting between the ghost and Pacifica when he wants to kill her. We fall through the first floor window and I flick my hands at the ground as we caught by a soft surrounding of pillows.

Nice shot me and my friends high five. No release me at once! The ghost screams trapped in the mirror. Yeah we did it! They cheer and hug. Uh, can I pay you to pretend that never happened? She asks him.

Her parents come out to thank him for his help and to Pacifica's dismay Dipper had to leave to go get rid of the ghost just as Dipper was starting to think she wasn't so bad the ghost told them why he was really doing this.

That 150 years ago the Northwest's had asked the lumberjack folk to build them the mansion they have now and that in exchange when they were done they would throw a big party once a year and open the gates for all to bask in the glory.

Only when it was done and the time for the party had came now with the trees gone and it storming outside they had broken their promise and closed the gate and the mudslide came and he got killed with his own ax.

Threatening them with a curse that he would be back in 150 years and if the gates would not be opened still then wealthy blood would be spilled and they knew about the curse and had tricked Dipper into doing their dirty work to get rid of it for them.

Inside her father was giving the mayor a monkey servant and he was like 100 something years old and in a wheelchair and had vultures circling him. Dipper came back in ready to yell at Pacifica and her family but she was happy to see him.

You lied to me! He accused her. All you had to do was open the gates for the towns folk and the curse would be gone! But instead you had me do your dirty work!

Look who you're talking to boy! I'm hosting a party for the most powerful people in the world! Do you think they would come if they had to rub elbows with your kind?! My kind?! I was right about you Pacifica you're just like your parents!

Another link in the worlds worst chain! Dipper I wanted to tell you but they wouldn't let me. Her father rings the bell and she steps back upset. And just so you know you may be rich but none of you are "powerful."

That most powerful people title goes to my older sister and her best friends. She's part vampire, mermaid and wizard. Her boyfriend is a 316 year old winter spirit and her best friend is a dream demon! You may be rich but you're not powerful!

He goes back to the garden to get rid of the ghost but he hates them just as much as Dipper does, but even though they agree on that he thinks he's unstable and wants to protect Mabel and her friends. But he is tricked into setting him free.

Inside Mabel and Candy are tag teaming on the cute guy but end up fighting over him and Grenda comes over and sees that they're flirting without her and they tell her that her flirting style is a bit intense and then fight about that and storm off.

While Pacifica's father tries to make an announcement the ghost is in the fire and starts turning everyone to wood. Which is the form that the shapeshifter said would be Dipper's last form but not if me and my friends had something to say about it.

While the guests get turned into wooden statues the dead animals come to life and scare everyone away while her parents and their butler begin to get ready for the panic room.

But there was only one way to change their fate they would need a Northwest to open the gate. Which meant that Pacifica could open the gate since her parents would never do it.

He returns to the secret room they found as me and my friends try to fend off the ghosts and the not so dead anymore animals somehow not being affected by the wood spell. But where Dipper finds Pacifica she sees all of her family is a lie.

An otherwise painted record of every bad thing her family had ever done lying and cheating including herself. I lied to you because I was too scared of my stupid parents.

You're right I am just another link in the worlds worst chain. I'm sorry about that he apologizes but just because you're your parents daughter doesn't mean you have to be like them it's not too late.

But the ghost says it was. And everyone except us 3 are turned to wooden statues. And nothing we did was working against it. Dipper begins to turn to a wooden statue screaming for help.

A forest of death a lesson learned and now the Northwest manor shall burn! The ghost says as the clock strikes midnight. But then Pacifica says she'll pull the lever and open the gate as long as the ghost turns everyone back to normal.

But her parents and butler are in the panic room as he rings his bell at her. Saying that the townsfolk can't seem them in this state that they had a reputation to uphold but when she disobeys the spell is gone.

The ghost thanks her and turns everyone back to normal as the regular people come raid the mansion at the party. Mabel and her friends make up as they become people again. And as it turns out the guy they were flirting with likes her.

Man if your family hates you for this their idiots this is awesome! Enjoy it while it lasts I'm sure the gates will be closed again next year. Hey guess what we're standing on? They were standing on the white carpet with mud on their shoes.

So, how about this party Farr's? Jack asks me. You know as far as party goes, this one was a complete disaster. I'd call it a success. If all parties were haunted by something I may just like them better.

I'd rather deal with ghosts than clones though. Why's that? Because I deal with a ghost every day of my life. A demon is not a ghost Bill corrects me. Potato patato I wave him off.

But then McGucket pulls the 4 of us into a private area together and tells us that he fixed the laptop. He says that he think something terrible is coming the apocalypse the end times.

Where Dipper isn't worried about it for now and just wants to enjoy himself. I shutter in fright. Apocalypse? End times? T: Bill?! Then my friends hug me. It's going to be ok Farrah we won't let anything bad happen to you.

On the laptop is a countdown to something, to something that it reads "IMMINENT THREAT" and then showing less than 24 hours. And the agents that were after anything supernatural in Gravity Falls are noticing the same thing.

But when the countdown shows 0 we may just be able to have enough power to get Grunkle Ford back. To get Stanford to come back after 30 years. It wasn't nearly this scary when I came back at the beginning of the summer or when I disappeared.

But it also wasn't at it's highest power either of those times just a birthday wish miracle. And me not where I was supposed to be at the wrong time. And hanging on a tapestry was the original Bill with everyone bowing down to him.

And next to it two figures. Guys, I point at it with my friends. One is Bill the other looks like me and I've got horns on my head a crown on my head and staff in my hand with wings on my back, and fire flaming in my hands.

My worst nightmare it's going to come true! I shutter. No, it won't we'll protect you Infinity. We won't let anything bad happen to you. You won't turn evil you can fight this. It's not just a bad dream it was the future. He showed me.

Something big is coming something evil. Then we'll get through it together just like everything else we get through. We do things together or not at all.

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