They'll never know what hit them

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With true self me evil and good me asleep or more likely a version of asleep and a different version of me in a dream bubble just like Mabel's with my symbol on it just like hers in some kind of dream realm we split in half. My evil demonic side sitting on a throne looking kind of like the Game of Thrones throne. And the sweet nice me that everyone thought they knew asleep in bed (bedroom) I was even in a new outfit (outfit 46) and new hair (hairstyle this one is dark purple and the girl wearing blackish purple lipstick) But also my "true" form was all different and dressed up too (outfit evil demon self outfit 1) and she had her own new hairstyle (evil demon self hairstyle) Down below on the group away from the danger for now as the sky kind of turned a creepy sunset kind of color pretty colors but the rest was still creepy for the reason it was happening. What did you do?! Blue turned to Jack who flew to catch up with him. Seeming out of breath. What do you mean what did I do?! Farrah's upset she made a deal with Bill to turn her into his queen because of of what you did. What are you talking about? I mean the deal was if you broke up with her she'd become her true evil self and be my demon counter part's queen like he wanted but if it was not your intention the deal would be broken and the nightmares wouldn't be here and Weirdmageddon wouldn't be happening right now.

I didn't even see her I didn't even talk to her all I did was ask her to meet me in the forest alone. Then why does she think you were planning on breaking up with her? *Gasp* she must've heard our convo. Heard what I was planning on saying and then made herself go back to sleep where she saw Bill and they made the deal. Ok but she would've given you a chance to prove to her what she heard wasn't what was going to happen. Where were you? Pacing back and forth waiting for her in the forest practicing what I was gonna say in a way she wouldn't think I was breaking up with her but she must've heard me and ran off. I didn't even talk to her or see her.

Well she ran crying to me and thought I was my counter part and said you broke up with her. No, I would never break up with her I love her. How could she ever think after everything we've been through together I could break up with her instead of proposing to her?! She's seen all her fears in her nightmares come true her siblings hurt because of her her father figure forgetting her, her evil "true" form that she was born as taking over while her good self is at rest me being evil but that could never happen except the fact that Bill exists and I shouldn't. There is a part of me that's evil and the last thing is you breaking up with her. We saw that other world where you didn't find her and she felt all alone and went with her mom to the other world and became evil.

Do you remember when Cupid showed up? Blue asked him. Then Jack who gave me this sad look that he couldn't keep doing this that he couldn't keep going back and forth to and from me all the time that he really had his guardian job to do that if it were up to him he'd choose me over his work but that he had to choose his work and that he was breaking up with me that we couldn't be together anymore. Yes I do remember that. Which is exactly what I said this morning that I couldn't keep doing this. But the end result was going to be different. I know that we know that I think Bill really knows that but she's too insecure. And will always think she's dangerous. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. And she knew what was to come for her when she turned 18. And now her grandparents get what they always wanted. Her evil and her and Bill together.

And Bill gets what he wanted. Farrah as his queen and Weirdmageddon happening because of Farrah. Well but also this couldn't had happened without the rift breaking. So who let it break? We know it wasn't us and it couldn't had been anyone from outside the barrier so it had be someone within the house and we know Farrah didn't have it. Right and I thought Dipper had it in his bag. Right and they were doing birthday stuff all day today. Well Mabel was Dipper was with Ford doing UFO stuff. Maybe the bags got switched. If so then that would mean one of the twins broke it and Dipper was having the best day ever and Mabel had the worst day ever. She must've been tricked by someone to get her wish of having longer summer. Because we know the evil me can't get in. Not unless someone tricks them into letting him take over their body. Which I'm guessing is what happened. So then whoever let Bill in is the one that tricked Mabel into giving over the rift to make whatever deal she wanted in the first place.

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