I'll take that as a no then

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"How many years has it been Escanor?" She asked traipsing through a thick underbrush.

Her sword hummed "Since you became queen? Or since we decided to find all the infinity stones?"

Alexandra huffed knocking away a branch, her trusty sword floating beside her, she didn't even know where they were, the bastard simply felt a pull and dragged her along for the ride.

Of course their adventures in searching for the infinity stones hadn't completely been without trouble. If anything she was sure she would die one of these days. "Both? I don't know I'm just fucking exhausted and we're no closer to finding a way to actually use these things." She muttered angrily.

She could almost imagine Escanor rolling his eyes "If you weren't as stubborn as you were , you could've just asked daddy dearest, we both know he's been trying to reach out to you and yet here we are."

"I don't take betrayal lightly Escanor you should know that, remember that little rebellion the wildlings tried?"

Escanor snorted dryly "Well their biggest mistake was trying to use your daughter as their hostage, it may have been easier to hang themselves much less painful too."

Alexandra grunted in agreement "Well those wildlings underestimated my love for my daughter and paid the price I can't say I'm sorry about it. Besides it wasn't all too bad, the kingdoms have settled, they realize I will not be fucked with and aside from that hiccup Westoros has seen peace."

"Yeah, I agree too, though why would they even try to steal sweet Aurora?" Alex halted in her steps, she glanced at the sword

"You think it had anything to do with my dear brother?"

"I'm just saying, it's odd, that after years of them peacefully living in the north they decided to head south and steal with the princess. That doesn't seem sane, not when people know you've got two dragons, and you're practically a god.."

Alexandra grit her teeth, she couldn't deny the truth of the statement, her brother had been uncharacteristically quiet, biding his time. She was concerned of course but ruling the seven kingdoms, including fixing all the problems that plagued it took precedence. Her son and daughter were five years old, her wife had doing her part but she couldn't sit back and relax.

"If so, I don't think it will be the last. The last time he played with humanity he created those white walkers and the night king." She muttered "I shudder to think what he'll come up with next"

Escanor said nothing instead he lead his partner to where he felt the stone. When they stepped into a fantastical clearing, the greenery almost sparkled, the water was bluer than the skies and Alexandra found herself entranced "Gods this is gorgeous, dany and the kids would love it."

"Would they?" He asked pointedly jabbing in a certain direction — Alexandra eyes widened when she saw a giant orange troll across the lake holding something very interesting in his forehead.

"You know when we decided to start searching for the stones, you said 'don't worry Alex, It'll be a breeze, come on it's just us against the vast universe'" she mocked when the troll was joined by his brethren, gods the thing was taller than the giants she came across in the north. "I should have known, I should've known there's nothing easy— and here we are" she grunted gripping Escanor in her hand.

"Maybe if you ask nicely they'll hand it over"

Alex snorted derisively taking her stance when the trolls grabbed their weapons "Yes and why don't I invite my insane brother over for a cup of tea? Discuss the weather? I'm sure it would go swimmingly."

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