Life can be split into three terms:

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Alexandra found herself once more on the training field, it was nearly dinner time, the training area was empty which made it a perfect time for her to let loose but before she could she felt someone watching her.

"Come out Arya" she said splitting a training dummy in half watching as it fell to the ground.

"how did you know ? I didn't make a sound" Alex smirked and turned to face the girl .

"Your heartbeat gave you away" she said sheathing her sword once more. "Have you come to parley for your sister?"

Arya shook her head "I only came along because I wasn't here to see how the iron throne turned golden when you sat on it."

Alex snorted "ah that." She shook her head "So you believe in prophecies?"

"I never thought I'd meet a half god yet here you are" Arya pointed out smartly.

"Mm.. yes well here I am." She glanced at the girl and put her hand on her head rubbing her hair " I don't want war. Nor do I want to march north. But to lessen my brothers control on humanity I need to wash away his influence, the influence his been sowing since the age of men" she sighed "he is the incarnation of chaos.. he thrives of sowing discord, war, confusion , anger , fear .. he lives for it. And the longer people are divided the stronger he gets." She never truly explained her reason for her insistence on ensuring the unity of the kingdoms.

Arya scuffed her feet on the gravel ground beneath her "I know, I know you're not a war lord , someone that thrives on war or wishes to conquer for the sake of it." She shook her head "but Sansa will be difficult to convince." She added "she has always wanted to be queen and now she is."

Alex pursed her lips considering her next words " Someone wanting to be queen and actually worthy of being one is two very different things." She started " The north is cold, constantly so. Because of this planets weather patterns it will most likely remain to be so, soon the soils won't be able to produce food anymore , fires won't be enough to keep warm, health issues will only arise and the mortality rate will increase. Do you know how many children don't live to see their second year of life because of the primitive methods that are currently in use?"

Arya shook her head negatively intact she wasn't aware. She knew the north to be cold and though her father managed to keep her away from the death 'well not for long anyway' she thought wryly but still he wouldn't share these things with his youngest daughter.

"Five out of ten" she said sadly "that's a large number. One that will only increase as time goes on unless technology isn't improved upon." She licked her lips "I have the knowledge in how to better it, but I won't share it unless I know that wars will not break out because of it... your sister lives in the past." She paused thoughtfully "Did you know life could be divided into three terms?"

"What are they?" Asked Arya curiously

"That which was, which is and what will be. We learn from the past to profit our present, and from the present to live better in the future." She quoted

Aryas lips quirked up  "That's quite profound. Where did you hear it?"

Alex smirked "Someone from the past" she quipped , they shared a look and laughed.

"I'm glad you're here, I've wanted to offer you a chance to become a knight if it's what you wish for" she said motioning the girl to follow her.

"What? Really ? But what about Sansa's decision?"

Alex frowned "I told you I have no wish to enter a war that will claim more lives I hope your sister realizes a title isn't worth having hundreds die for her" she shook her head " as for her decision it has no bearing on me wanting to knight you."

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