I need to become a full god

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Lance stared open mouthed at his friend, his best friend — his traveling companion and now his queen. He wondered when if ever there would be a time he'd stop being baffled at what spewed from her mouth. At times he caught himself wondering how normal his life would be if he remained a nameless unsullied In Daenerys army— he wondered whether he'd remain a foot soldier in the dragons queen army as she stormed her way through the east. Freeing slaves , breaking chains— burning slave masters while they pleaded for mercy they never thought to give their possessions. He wondered whether the queen would fall into the madness that plagued the Targaryens of old. Whether he'd be a casualty that remained emotionally stunted unawares of the joys of love and affection.

"I have no words" he murmured loud enough for his queen to hear. Those thoughts he had would quickly be squandered by the whirlwind that was Alexandra. His best friend, his mentor, his sister in all but blood and now his Queen. The pain in her remaining eye he wished to remove. The overwhelming sadness rolling off her he wished to remove and her bastard of a brother he wished to cut down. But who was he in the face of a god— who was he when faced with a threat that could topple mountains with a flick of a wrist?

"You don't have to say anything" came the somber reply. He opened his mouth but clamped it shut when a hand raised to cut him off "I didn't tell you this so that you could tell me what I have to do"

Lance felt his heart clench — his fists balled in his lap for a short moment he entertained the thoughts of returning to the time where emotions were something he discarded then perhaps he wouldn't feel the crippling guilt of not being able to offer his closest friend a way to end her struggling.

"I believed once the war for the iron throne came to a head and you were crowned queen." He gulped harshly "that there would be times of peace— of rebuilding and paving the way to the future"

Alexandra gazed at her best friend since coming into this world. Daenerys was her first love— a white haired beauty that stole her breath the moment she laid eyes on her. A force of nature that tugged at her heart strings and made her wish to tame the raging storm. Clara her second love — a welcoming oasis in scorching desert. But Lance. Lance was not a lover no, he was no longer someone that could be categorized as a friend or student. She treasured the bond they had— the moment they met— the friendship that started merely because Daenerys wished her to have security in such a violent time. Their travels — the time they spent together going through potentially life threatening situations— shared a meal at a burning flame underneath the stars and a oath they made underneath the stars when he pledged to follow her even though they might not return. No he was a brother more than Trigon could ever be and he was the only one she had told of the troubling thoughts that festered in her mind. The perhaps apocalyptic war that might rage this world once more all because of one gods selfish desire to laud over the rest.

"Do you know why I came to you? Why I'm telling you all this even though I have to beautiful wives that would remain by side throughout everything?" She asked softly.

A wry smile curled up his lips " 'Lance there will come a time when I will ask you to do something— something that might be insane and downright ludicrous but I'll ask you because I know you can keep a cool head and not let your personal feelings get in the way' those are the words you told me once you've returned from winterfell— after ending the threat that was the white walkers."

Alexandra smiled " Yeah. I said that"

"What are you planning Alex ? I know you're not going to take this lying down— you're much too stubborn for that"

"My plan is quite simple really" she grinned.

Lance raised a brow "oh and what plan do you have to take on a god, your half brother that quite literally as you would say beat the living shit out of you?"

Alex cringed she could not even refute that Trigon beat the living shit out of her, besides it wasn't even his real body — she wondered how she measured up to him. Yeah the odds were not pretty.

"Yes you make a very good point" she conceded with a weak smile. "But as I said I've got a full proof plan." She nodded

"Are you going to keep me in suspense ?"

Alex chuckled at her pseudo brothers impatience "I'm going to become a god"

"You're already a god" deadpanned Lance

Alex snorted "yeah half god but still half human hence inherently weaker than my dear old brother"

"Did your father not sire you because he wished you to have humanity so that you could understand them and us better?"

Alex winced at the reminder "perhaps" she shrugged carelessly "I won't forget what it's like to be human, I've lived as a human for 29 years it becomes very hard to forget being one after 29 years Lance. Whether he wished to show me humility or whatever lesson he wished to impart on me? Has been imparted." She huffed "I love humanity, my wives are human— and I don't just mean some people I love humanity as a whole it's the reason why in my previous home I longed to be a doctor. A surgeon to help and fix humans" she paused thoughtfully "but I can't remain human if I want to stand a chance against Trigon. That bastard could wipe everyone off the face of this planet and even then I don't think he'd be winded" she frowned noticing the sun sinking lower and lower indicating they'd been talking for quite some time.

Lance nodded slowly slowly understanding why Alexandra wished to be a full god or goddess in her case. Though he did have one question "How do you plan on becoming a full god?"

Alexandra opened her mouth to reply when it remained so for a few seconds Lance stared at her with slight disbelief before shaking his head.

"You have no idea do you?"

Alex grinned sheepishly as she tilted her head confirming his thoughts

"I have no fucking clue"


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