prologue - so far away

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We were close yet became so distant.
What happened..
to us?

Could she be the reason why we're this way now?
Could she be the reason why you look happier?

I wonder..

I mean, I've already noticed since the very beginning
I just didn't want to admit it.

The way you look at her,
The way your eyes lit up whenever you see her,
The way your lips form a soft smile whenever you hear her laugh.
I know that you lik—no.. love her.
I've seen all of it.

Why did it have to be this way?

Why her?
And not..


Is she better?
Of course she is, that's why you love her.
You love her because she's kind, smart, thoughtful.
You love her because she's beautiful, pure, hopeful.
You love her.. because she's the way she is.

Just the way she is.

She always looked like an angel.
I couldn't even bring myself to hate her even if I tried..


Why can't you see,.. that I love you as well.

I love you, kyo.

I love you.


Don't leave me.
Not again.. please.

You're one of the first to ever actually care about someone like me.
But now, you're leaving.
You're leaving me behind as well.


Why did it have to end this way?
Why can't I be happy?
When will I be happy?
Will I ever be happy?

Akito was right.
I am nothing.
I am a nobody.
I'm just a waste of space.
I don't matter to anyone.
I don't matter to you anymore.

I knew that.
Yet, it hurts so much.

Why did I even fall in love with you?
Why, just why..

I can't take it anymore.
I feel so empty without you by my side.

But.. I've noticed

Has the moon, ever looked this beautiful?


You sighed, looking at the moon before you.

It shone alone yet brightly through the dark night sky.

Below you was the busy city, the lights that were illuminating from it were shining like stars.

The wind caressed your tear-stained cheeks as you slowly closed your eyes.

'what a beautiful night..
to fall into a deep slumber and never wake up again'

You slowly reached out your hands towards the moon, wanting to grasp it into your hands and hold it tightly.

You always liked the moon.

But tonight, it felt like something more.

It felt more.. special.

"I'm sorry you have to see this.." you didn't look behind you because you knew the person there wasn't even listening as they were in a daze like state. You only chuckled softly as you stood on the railings before you.

'good night world'

You closed your eyes gently as you felt yourself falling off the railings.

Giving in to the feeling, you embraced yourself for the impact below.

But then,

You heard someone shout your name.


You quickly open your eyes. The figure looking smaller as you fall further and further down the building, still trying their best to reach you even though you both knew he couldn't. You were too far down.

You smiled softly as tears threatened to fall from your eyes, making your vision a blur.

"thank you for always taking care of me.. I'm sorry.. I gave up too quickly.. see you in another life
Sohma Yuki"


hello everyone ! welcome to "so far away" :>
I wanted to make this book because I cried so much for Kyo and wanted to make myself (including others) suffer by making an angst fic <3

I am honestly not that good in writing and just go with the flow so if you have some suggestions, feel free to comment them. I would love to hear it !

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. Just know that English is not my first language so I am sorry if I ever made some grammar mistakes. This book will also contain some spoilers (only a few i suppose? still not sure atm) from the reboot anime adaption, fruits basket.

Please know that there will be some mature content in the further chapters so please read w/ caution !

That is all, thank you for reading this short angst fic !

mwah <3
— reii

(711 words)

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