Chapter 9

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"hey Kyo..!" A girl shouted as she ran towards the ginger-haired boy, waving her hand. Her skin was glistening with sweat whilst her breathing quickens. She looked at the male in front of her with a smile on her face, looking forward to spending time with him the whole afternoon.

"oh.. hey (y/n)" Kyo replies with a soft smile before patting her head. The girl's smile widening even more than before at the simple gesture. "So.. what do you want to do today?"

Kyo thinks for a while before looking back at the girl. "Do you want to go train at the dojo..? or maybe get some food first?" He asks, making the girl tilt her head, wondering which option to pick.

"Let's get some food first! Let's order some of your favorite! You're paying though..!" (y/n) playfully says before running off, leaving Kyo confused for a second before running after her.



After a few hours, they both left the booth with their stomachs filled with satisfaction. "I'm so full ~" the girl yawned out, stretching her arms out like a cat. She looked at the boy beside her, a soft smile slowly appearing once again on her face.

Kyo notices the girl looking at him, making him look at (y/n) as well. They both stared at each other for a solid minute before looking away, both of their cheeks heating up a little. "um.. let's get going now?" Kyo stuttered out, his voice coming out as a little nervous and almost shy.

(y/n) couldn't help but giggle at Kyo's adorable behavior which made Kyo glare at her. She just replied with a nod and a smile before starting a conversation with him once again.

As the girl was talking about the new episode of her favorite anime which aired last night, Kyo wasn't even listening but instead looked at the girl adoringly.

For some reason, everything the girl does catches Kyo's eyes nowadays. He couldn't help but stare at her. He could even stare at her face all day long while listening to her talk.

What was he feeling?

The butterflies in his stomach?

That fuzzy feeling whenever she's around?

What could it all mean?

He just brushed off his thoughts before going back to listening at the girl's silly ranting.

<fast forward to the confession;Kyo's pov>

There they were, standing in front of a cherry blossom tree. How cliché right?

"I like you.. Kyo"

Kyo didn't say anything but stood there, speechless. What was he supposed to say to this sudden confession? He didn't know what to tell the girl. He was still unsure of his feelings towards her. (y/n) was in front of him, head hung low as she played with the leaves beneath her shoes.

His face didn't show any emotion but on the inside, he was panicking. He wanted to tell her that he was still unsure of his feelings towards her. Honestly speaking, he wanted to be the one to confess to her first—

'What is this..? I never had any romantic feelings towards (y/n).. She's my best friend and she's like a sister to me..! Nothing more, nothing less... right?'
He thought. He was still in denial of his feelings.

"(y/n)... I'm sorry..—" he wanted to tell her what he was actually feeling that time yet was cut off by the girl "a-ah it's okay! Don't worry Kyo. I knew you didn't felt the same anyway.. Honestly I just wanted to get it off my chest you know? Well thank you for listening to this silly confession of mine. I must get going now" she didn't let him continue.

Instead of continuing what he was about to say, he just let her go. Her figure slowly disappearing from his line of sight. He only sighed in frustration. Kyo wanted to think that he didn't have any interest in his best friend. He was scared to admit it. He was scared to admit that he was actually in love with her.

As he made his way out of school, he saw one of his friends waiting for him. Tohru. Maybe she could help him? As much as he didn't want to admit it, he needed as much help as he can. He smiles to himself as he makes his way towards her, patting her head softly.

"let's go, Tohru"


"huh? what do you mean?" He looked at the girl confused. Tohru accepted Kyo's request of helping him understand his feelings towards his best friend however, the ginger was getting more confused by the minute.

"I mean.. what do you feel whenever you're around her?" Tohru looked at the boy with seriousness in her eyes as if she was roleplaying a doctor asking the patient how they felt or what they were feeling.

Kyo stared off into the distance before giving off his answer. "..I feel.. fuzzy.. and warm.. like she feels like home.. my stomach feels weird too.. she makes me feel weird yet good weird" the girl couldn't help but smile at Kyo's words. She felt like a proud mom watching her son grow.

"you're in love!" "I am?"

"YES" Tohru smiled in joy. Kyo shushed her and made her calm down before letting her speak once again. His heart was beating fast. He was in love? For how long?

Was it the day they first met? That time where she looked after him and stayed by his side when he was sick? Or maybe the time where she never made him feel alone? Maybe it was all of it. The time they spent with each other made his feelings grow and grow everyday.

Why was he so nervous of falling in love anyway? He should be happy.. right? Yet look at him now, a hot mess. His cheeks all red, shaking nervously, heartbeat beating more faster than before.

He was in love.

"when are you going to confess?" Tohru asked excitedly, her eyes wandering off as she imagines Kyo confessing to (y/n) in a romantic yet peaceful place. She was happy that her friends were finally founding their special someone. I mean, they've been together their since the beginning.

"soon.. hopefully. Thank you Tohru" Kyo smiled and thanked his friend before patting her head. They both talked about how Kyo should confessed to (y/n) that they haven't noticed their other friends staring at them in the distance.


hi everyone ! thank you all so much for waiting for this chapter ! I'm truly sorry for making you all wait for so long, I didn't know what to write in this chapter so I'm sorry if it's not what you expected :<<

but that is all for now, thank you once again for waiting ! See you all soon ^^

mwa <3
— reii

(1142 words)

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