Chapter 4

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"Master, I'm here..!" Kyo shouts while removing his shoes, stepping inside after closing the door. For some reason, he felt nervous. Why? Honestly, he himself doesn't even know why. Maybe because, he was anticipating something. Something no one even bothered to answer him about.

About who (y/n) is.

The existence of (y/n) and who she is, is making more Kyo curious and curious by the minute. As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat.

He looks around the house. 'no ones home' he thought. No soul can be seen or heard as it was quiet, a little too quiet in fact that it makes Kyo wonder where everyone could've gone. It was weird but he just shrugs it off. It was probably nothing.. right? Maybe everyone was just busy or had some plans?

He sighed, thinking that he might have to wait awhile. He walks towards the living room before taking a sit, like a cat waiting for his owner to come home.

After a few minutes go by, he was getting more bored when suddenly he hears the front door open as they did the same as he did not too long ago. He heard their footsteps getting closer and closer to where he was, he turns towards the direction of the hallway to see who it was.


It was Rin. She didn't bother sparing a single glance at the ginger before she made her way to her room, leaving Kyo all alone again.

'follow her'

He hears a faint voice against his ear, whispering to him in a soft yet demanding tone. He couldn't help but oblige to the voice as he heads towards Rin's room, knocking on the door as soon as he reaches her door, standing right in front of him.

No answer.

He knocks again.

Still no answer.

He knocks on the door for the third time before it began opening quickly, showing the person inside of the room. Rin looks at the ginger, glaring at him for disturbing her alone time.

"What do you want?" the girl asked in a demanding tone with little to no interest in what he wanted to tell nor ask her. Kyo scratched the back of his neck. He felt the tension quickly thicken so he looks away before asking the same question he asked the others before.

"Do you know who (y/n) is?"

The girl's breathing stopped for a second, her eyes widening at the sudden question. why? she thought. Her mind was going places further than she was before Kyo snaps her back into reality. She didn't want to answer his question, considering she still blames him for her death. A death that was too soon and too unbearable.



"no. I don't know her" she growls, a hint of annoyance and anger could be heard in her voice before slamming the door shut, leaving the poor boy standing there in confusion. He sighs, walking back to where he was staying before. He laid down on the floor, staring at the old plain ceiling while many questions ran through the back of his head.

He knew that Rin knows who (y/n) is because of how she reacted. Yet she didn't say anything. Same goes for Tohru not too long ago. He didn't know what to feel. Confusion? Anger? Betrayal?

'what are they hiding?'

'..and why are they hiding her from me?'


Rin held her chest tightly, gripping onto her clothes as she slowly slid her self down onto the floor. Her tears were pricking the side of her eyes, making her vision a little blurry. She couldn't help but release a quiet sob as her hands were covering her face.

She wanted to move on from the pain of loosing one of her most loved ones, a closest friend. But of course, the past had caught up to her once again.

(y/n) was one of the most important people to Rin. To her, (y/n) was like her sister. She always stood up for Rin, no matter what the situation is. She was always there for her as Rin was always there for her as well.

Although (y/n) was always with Kyo, she always made time for her other friends. Sometimes, it even made Rin jealous that (y/n) would always tag along with Kyo like a puppy but she knew how much Kyo made her happy. Rin also told (y/n) about her's and Haru's relationship, the girl was so happy to hear that they were together that she even bursted into tears.

(y/n) was like the moon to Rin, she was glowing yet also seemed rather lonely. Even if she had many friends, she knew she felt lonely. Rin always tried her best to make (y/n) happy. The last time she did was when Kyo indirectly rejected her confession. She was so mad that she even punched the wall, making (y/n) worry more about Rin rather than her own feelings.

Her death left a scar in her heart. She wished she had comforted her more back then because maybe if she did, she wouldn't end up.. dead.

Her thoughts were cut off with her feeling a soft sensation on her forehead. She looks up to see Haru leaving a soft kiss on her forehead as he tries his best to comfort her, making her smile softly at the cute attempt.

"are you okay?" Haru asks her while holding her cheek, caressing it gently. Rin nods slowly yet hugs her lover after, leaving Haru confused but of course hugged her back. She buried her face onto his neck, inhaling his scent as she closes her eyes.

Haru didn't ask what she was crying about but had a feeling that it was about their deceased friend. He knew that because he saw Kyo in the living room, in his own thoughts while laying down on the floor.

Haru was also a dear friend of (y/n). She was also like a sister to him, like a ray of sunlight in a rainy day.

He couldn't help but release a soft sigh. Rin was already laying her head on his lap, fast asleep. He looks at her lovingly yet with a hint of sadness in his eyes. Caressing her hair, he too fell asleep.

Both thinking that maybe one day, they'll visit (y/n)'s grave again. To commemorate their friendship. To say thank you and goodbye to their old friend.


this chapter took longer than expected, inspiration was literally hard to find wtf

Anyways, that is all everyone ! see you on the next chap !

mwah !

(1112 words)

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