Chapter 7

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"..because we didn't know when and how to tell you, Kyo. We all knew that if we did, you would blame yourself all over again, maybe something even worse might happen to you" Shigure said with a straight face yet you could tell that he was tired of Kyo's tantrum. Both males were arguing, mostly Kyo, about how they all hid (y/n) from him.

Kyo looked at him more confused whilst suddenly grabbing Shigure by the collar, staring at him dead in the eye before pushing him off as he walked out of the scene. Kyo couldn't believe the fact that everyone hid you away from him, his own best friend. Tohru ran towards Shigure and asked if he was okay.

"I'm fine Tohru, don't worry. But I suggest you run now if you want to catch up with Kyo" the taller male suggested before Tohru ran after Kyo. She knew Kyo needed some support right now considering how much he was hurting after he had learned about the truth. The fact that he's best friend died. again.

She remembered the first time she had also heard about (y/n)'s death. She couldn't even believe it. Her heart fell when she just imagine you laying on the dirty concrete, a big bloody puddle underneath. Not breathing at all. She had cried so much that day but not as much as Kyo or Yuki. Kyo had it worse though.

"Kyo! Wait up! Please!" Tohru yelled as she was getting closer to Kyo. "Go away Tohru.." he said in an annoyed yet softer tone. Kyo knew that even Tohru had also hid (y/n) away from him which made him even more annoyed.

The girl then suddenly held his hand, gripping onto it tightly. They both had stopped walking now. The ginger then turned around and before he knew it, the girl had hugged him, making him turn into a cat. Kyo couldn't do anything but watch as the girl cried in front of him, hugging him tightly.

"Kyo.. I'm so sorry.. we didn't mean to hide her away from you, we just thought it was the best idea for now.. please understand us and what we did.." Tohru cried silently as she hugged the cat tightly. Kyo just listened at what she had to say before sliding off of her hug.

"Please.. let me be Tohru. I just.. want to be alone" Kyo had already turned human as he already had his clothes on. Tohru couldn't do anything but watch silently, slowly nodding at his request before he walked away. She wanted to understand him and she wanted him to understand them as well.

She knew that Kyo felt betrayed but they all knew that it was for the best. At least now he had finally learn more about you than just your name. She wished Kyo a 'goodluck' before walking back home.


Meanwhile with Kyo, his head was severely throbbing as he leaned towards a tree. He couldn't keep his balance any longer so he decided to sit down by a large yet comfortable tree. It was like the world was spinning before him as he struggled to look straight.

Memories of you which had been buried in the back of his head, had suddenly flooded his mind. All of the happy and sad moments were there. The embarrassing ones, the weird ones, all of it.

He felt comfortable with the memories of you and him together. He couldn't help but smile and tear up a bit at the fact that you had been there for him since the beginning yet he couldn't even remember you, not even your name.

Now he knows you more than ever. Except.. he didn't where you are. Kazuma had told him that Kyo had needed to learn about a more.. depressing memory before he could tell about your whereabouts. Although he had also told him that he shouldn't go look for you and that it was a waste of time, leaving Kyo more confused.

Did you just leave him then and there?

Did you ran away?

Many questions repeatedly ran through his mind. He wanted to know where you are. He wanted to know what had happened to you, to both of you. He wanted to know why you left him.

Why didn't Kazuma just tell him where you are?

And if he did, would he even be able to find you?

Kyo wanted to find you more that ever. He wanted to talk to you. To yell at you for leaving him. Yet wanted to hug you and thank you for everything you had done for him.

He had also remembered your confession towards him. It was not that he didn't like you.. he actually did but he didn't know it at the time. He loved you. More than a friend. More than a best friend. Yet he was a coward.

Now that he had finally learn more about his feelings towards you as well, he wanted to confess to you after you both had caught up with each other. But what if you had already found someone new? Someone who had actually accepted your confession or maybe even confessed to you first? No, he didn't want to think of the latter. He was scared and he knew it.

But even if you did found someone new, someone better than him, will you still accept him in your heart? Will you still care for him like you did before? Will you still cherish him as your best friend? Even if you didn't love him that way anymore, he still wanted to be your best friend. Someone you would always talk to, laugh with, cry with, have fun with, rant with, etc. It was alright with him if you had found someone new in your life, he deserved it anyways, by not saying 'yes' to your confession sooner. It was the punishment of his actions.

But right now, he only wanted to find you and so, he's heading towards his master's place again. To find out more answers to his questions. To find you.

And when he does find you, he wants to do everything in his power to win you back. To love you. To hold you. To cherish you.

"I'll see you soon, (y/n)
I hope you will wait for me when the time comes"


To answer your question, yes.

Kyo doesn't know about your death, that's why he was confused about what Shigure had told him and he thought that it was only because you had left. He didn't know you actually left this world. Literally.

Sorry as this was kind of a rushed chapter.

Anyways that's all for now, see you in the next chapter !

mwa <3
— reii

(1151 words)

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